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Cards were stacked against him
Team Leader: "Despite his efforts, the 'Cards Were Stacked Against Him' in the negotiation, making it challenging to secure a favorable outcome."
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The situation or circumstances were unfavorable or biased against someone, making success difficult to achieve.
Team Leader: "Despite his efforts, the '____________________' in the negotiation, making it challenging to secure a favorable outcome."
At large
Project Manager: "Let's discuss the project's progress 'At Large' before diving into specific details."
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Generally or overall; as a whole; in its entirety.
Project Manager: "Let's discuss the project's progress '____________________' before diving into specific details."
Reluctantly accepted
Employee: "She 'Reluctantly' accepted the new assignment, knowing it would require additional effort and time."
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In a hesitant or unwilling manner; with reluctance or resistance.
Employee: "She '____________________' accepted the new assignment, knowing it would require additional effort and time."
Arms folded and show his skepticism
Manager: "He sat in the meeting with his 'Arms Folded,' showing his skepticism towards the proposed changes."
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Standing or sitting with one's arms crossed over the chest, often indicating defensiveness, skepticism, or disagreement.
Manager: "He sat in the meeting with his '____________________,' showing his skepticism towards the proposed changes."
Impervious to the negative feedback
Leader: "She remained 'Impervious' to the negative feedback, staying focused on her goals and vision."
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Unable to be affected by something; resistant or immune to external influences, criticism, or persuasion.
Leader: "She remained '____________________' to the negative feedback, staying focused on her goals and vision."
came Out of the air
Analyst: "His suggestion came 'Out of the Air,' surprising everyone in the room."
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Without any prior knowledge or basis; unexpectedly or seemingly out of nowhere.
Analyst: "His suggestion came '____________________,' surprising everyone in the room."
boost employees Self-esteem
HR Manager: "We need to promote initiatives that boost employees' 'Self-esteem' and morale in the workplace."
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Confidence in one's own worth, abilities, or value; a positive self-regard or self-respect.
HR Manager: "We need to promote initiatives that boost employees' '____________________' and morale in the workplace."
Security Officer: "The company's cybersecurity was breached by an 'Impostor' posing as an authorized user."
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A person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others, often for personal gain or advantage.
Security Officer: "The company's cybersecurity was breached by an '____________________' posing as an authorized user."
Remorseful for mistake
Team Member: "He was 'Remorseful' for his mistake and apologized sincerely to the team."
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Feeling regret or guilt for one's actions or behaviors; characterized by a sense of remorse or contrition.
Team Member: "He was '____________________' for his mistake and apologized sincerely to the team."
Intensely Motivated
Coach: "She is 'Intensely Motivated' to excel in her career and is willing to put in the extra effort to succeed."
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Highly determined, driven, or enthusiastic about achieving a goal or objective.
Coach: "She is '____________________' to excel in her career and is willing to put in the extra effort to succeed."
Investor: "The shareholders were 'Skeptical' about the company's financial projections, requesting further clarification."
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Inclined to doubt or question; showing skepticism or disbelief towards something.
Investor: "The shareholders were '____________________' about the company's financial projections, requesting further clarification."
Manager: "He 'Wrestled' with the decision to restructure the team, weighing the pros and cons before making a final choice."
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Struggled or grappled with something, either physically or metaphorically; fought or contended with a challenge or dilemma.
Manager: "He '____________________' with the decision to restructure the team, weighing the pros and cons before making a final choice."
Hammered Out
Negotiator: "After hours of negotiation, we finally 'Hammered Out' a deal that satisfied both parties."
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Negotiated or resolved through discussion, compromise, or intense debate; reached an agreement or solution after thorough deliberation.
Negotiator: "After hours of negotiation, we finally '____________________' a deal that satisfied both parties."
Scientist: "The success of the experiment can be 'Attributed' to meticulous planning and collaboration."
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Ascribed or credited to a particular cause, source, or origin; assigned responsibility or acknowledgment for something.
Scientist: "The success of the experiment can be '____________________' to meticulous planning and collaboration."
Sloughing off procastination habits
Mentor: "He is 'Sloughing Off' his procrastination habits and taking proactive steps towards personal growth."
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Getting rid of or discarding something, often referring to a habit, responsibility, or negative influence.
Mentor: "He is '____________________' his procrastination habits and taking proactive steps towards personal growth."
become a Chokepoint
Logistics Manager: "The warehouse entrance has become a 'Chokepoint' due to the increased volume of deliveries; we need to streamline the process to avoid delays."
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A point of congestion or restriction where the flow of something is slowed down or impeded.
Logistics Manager: "The warehouse entrance has become a '____________________' due to the increased volume of deliveries; we need to streamline the process to avoid delays."
Contingency plan
Project Manager: "We need to develop a 'Contingency' plan in case of unexpected delays or budget constraints during the project."
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a backup plan or precaution.
Project Manager: "We need to develop a '____________________' plan in case of unexpected delays or budget constraints during the project."
Contingency Workers
HR Director: "We'll bring in 'Contingency Workers' during peak seasons to ensure we meet customer demand without overburdening our permanent staff."
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Employees hired on a temporary or as-needed basis to address fluctuations in workload or staffing needs.
HR Director: "We'll bring in '____________________' during peak seasons to ensure we meet customer demand without overburdening our permanent staff."
address the issues of Underachieving
Supervisor: "We need to address the issue of 'Underachieving' team members to ensure our project meets its targets."
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Performing below expectations or potential; failing to reach desired levels of performance or productivity.
Supervisor: "We need to address the issue of '____________________' team members to ensure our project meets its targets."
Fuzzy-sounding plans
Analyst: "The instructions for the new software update were 'Fuzzy,' causing confusion among the users."
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Unclear, indistinct, or vague; lacking in clarity or definition.
Analyst: "The instructions for the new software update were '____________________,' causing confusion among the users."

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