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Deveria ter-me consultado.
Lernen beginnen
to consult
You should have consulted me.
Ignora o barulho, a banda do meu filho está a ensaiar.
Lernen beginnen
to ignore
Ignore the noise, my son's band is rehearsing.
Os meus pais sempre me encorajaram a aceitar novos desafios.
Lernen beginnen
to encourage
My parents always encouraged me to accept new challenges.
Queimei o dedo enquanto fritava os ovos.
Lernen beginnen
to burn
I burned my finger while frying the eggs.
Ela abanou a cabeça em descrença.
Lernen beginnen
to shake
She shook her head in disbelief.
Seis a dividir por dois é igual a três.
Lernen beginnen
to divide
Six divided by two equals three.
Moro na capital.
Lernen beginnen
to live
I live in the capital.
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