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For me an important question is 'Do you (1) or do you tend to be around a lot?
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For me an important question is: 'Do you keep yourself to yourself or do you tend to be around a lot?
I like having friends around. I suppose I'm (2)
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I like having friends around. I suppose I'm a people person.
I'm not (3) - I can't stand people who are all bright and cheerful first thing.
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I'm not a morning person - I can't stand people who are all bright and cheerful first thing.
Well, at least you're (4). You're quick and you make me laugh.
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Well, at least you're witty. You're quick and you make me laugh.
I get an idea and I do it, no hesitation. So I'm (5).
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I get an idea and I do it, no hesitation. So I'm spontaneous.
Well, people say I'm fun to be with, (6), if you know what I mean.
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Well, people say I'm fun to be with, a good laugh, if you know what I mean.
I'm very practical and (7).
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I'm very practical and down-to-earth.
I'm not (8). I don't sit in front of my computer for hours.
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I'm not a computer geek. I don't sit in front of my computer for hours.
My friend always has time for me when I've got a problem. She seems to understand and wants to help.
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She's sympathetic.
Cheung always takes a long time to make up his mind and he's careful to avoid problems or dangers.
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He's cautious.
Joe thought his first job would be easy and people would be nice. He soon learnt differently!
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He's naïve
I really like your fiancé - he seems honest and sincere.
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He's genuine.
Lucia is a great tourist guide because she's so friendly and enjoys meeting people.
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She's outgoing.
My last teacher wasn't very kind. She often laughed at students when they made mistakes.
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she's mean.
Noriko is a great addition to the team. She adapts quickly to new situations and doesn't mind change.
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she's flexible.
Karl acts a bit strange sometimes and wears the oddest clothes, but he's a good guy.
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he's eccentric.
You can tell Marta a secret and you know she'll never tell anyone else.
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she's trustworthy.
Sam's a typical teenager. He always seems to be unhappy or else he suddenly gets angry for no reason.
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He's moody.
What type of personality do you think the people in photos A-C have?
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A- She's eccentric/outgoing. B- She's sympathetic. C- He's moody.

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