14/07 MON-A33

 0    27 Datenblatt    patrycjabaracco
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indicate = point out
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indicate = point out
I would like to indicate the main valuable functions of this device.
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I would like to indicate the main valuable functions of this device.
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= summarize
Let me shortly recap our topic.
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Let me shortly recap our topic.
lead to
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lead to
bring to
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bring to
This new technology brings us to a new future.
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This new technology brings us to a new future.
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Can we examine this topic deeply?
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Can we examine this topic deeply?
with respect / regard to
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with respect / regard to
In this case we have to regard to safety aspects.
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In this case we have to regard to safety aspects.
according to
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Moreover / Furthermore
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Moreover / Furthermore
This new technology brings us to a new future. Moreover, this device is really easy to use.
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This new technology brings us to a new future. Moreover, this device is really easy to use.
to deal with / tackle / take care of the issue
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to deal with / tackle / take care of the issue
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Can we tackle the causes of the last incident?
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Can we tackle the causes of the last incident?
Can we take care of the causes of the last incident?
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Can we take care of the causes of the last incident?
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liczby, wyniki
Let’s take a look at these figures.
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Let's take a look at these figures.
Let’s have a look at these figures.
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Let's have a look at these figures.
The figures mean a lot.
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Liczby znaczą dużo.
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podkreslic, uwypuklic
these figures highlight...
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these figures highlight...
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= influence, impact
Pandemic time affected the number of audits and face to face trainings.
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Pandemic time affected the number of audits and face to face trainings.

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