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Frage Antworten
Co robisz, aby pozbyć się stresu?
Lernen beginnen
What do you do to get rid of stress?
What did you to get rid of stress?
Lernen beginnen
I spend time with family, friends, pets. I go on a walk. I watch funny films. I take a bath. When I'm stressed, I do things that relax me, for example...
Kto jest twoim ulubionym artystą komediowym jak kabareciarz, artysta lub aktor?
Lernen beginnen
Who is your favorite entertainer like comedian, artist or actor?
Who is your favorite entertainer like comedian, artist or actor?
Lernen beginnen
My favorite artist is John ... I love xxx. Xyz is the best. I enjoy watching zzz
Jeśli otworzyłbyś, otworzyłabyś firmę, jaki byłby to rodzaj działalności?
Lernen beginnen
If you opened a business, what kind of business would it be?
If you opened a business, what kind of business would it be?
Lernen beginnen
If I opened my business, I would... My business could be ... I would open a shop with...
Jakie są dobre i złe rzeczy w systemie edukacji w twoim kraju?
Lernen beginnen
What are some good and bad things about the education system in your country?
What are some good and bad things about the education system in your country?
Lernen beginnen
Good things are ... but bad things are that ... The pros and cons of our system are ... Our education system has ... offers ... gives ... Regarding life skills, it is ... As academic development is concerned it is...
Kiedy ostatnio miałeś bitwę rzucając się jedzeniem?
Lernen beginnen
When was the last time you had a food fight?
When was the last time you had a food fight?
Lernen beginnen
Last year. Never. It is a good / bad idea because ... It is controversial / stupid / funny / crazy / exciting because ... It should be prohibited because...
Jakie jest największe święto / święta dla twojej rodziny i dlaczego?
Lernen beginnen
What is the biggest holiday / feast for your family and why?
What is the biggest holiday / feast for your family and wht?
Lernen beginnen
The biggest feast in our a family is ... Our favorite holiday is birthday, wedding anniversary, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving... because
Gdzie jest najpiękniejsze miejsce, w którym byłeś jesienią?
Lernen beginnen
Where is the nicest place you have been to in autumn?
Where is the nicest place you have been to in autumn?
Lernen beginnen
The most beautiful place I was in autumn is ... I visited a farm, a castle, a park, a forest, mountains ... I loved it because...
Jak zmieniły się twoje cele na przestrzeni lat w twoim życiu?
Lernen beginnen
How did your goals change over the years in your life?
How did you goals change over the years in your life?
Lernen beginnen
My goals changed so much. Ten years ago I planned ... Five years ago I planned... Now my personal goals are different and the same ... My goals did not change.
Czy przejmujesz się modą? Jakie ubrania zazwyczaj nosisz?
Lernen beginnen
Do you care about fashion? What kind of clothes do you usually wear?
Do you care about fashion? What kind of clothes do you usually wear?
Lernen beginnen
I care about fashion. Fashion is not my cup of tea. I prefer practical clothes. I wear only fashion/chic/sport/elegant/casual/ clothes./ I love trendy / fashionable clothes, I always buy best labels and brands...
Jaki był najlepszy wynalazek ostatnich 50 lat?
Lernen beginnen
What was the best invention of the last 50 years?
What was the best invention of the last 50 years?
Lernen beginnen
The best invention of the last 50 years is ... I think xyz is the most important, vital, crucial, funny, necessary, practical, humane, advanced, revolutionary, cutting edge technology invention.

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