22 All the rage clothes and fashion

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dirty and untidy person
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in pale colours
power outfit
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formal clothes to make you seem powerful
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old-fashioned and boring
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set of clothes for a particular occasion
dress code
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accepted way of dressing in a particular social group
dress down
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wear less formal clothes
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clothes that are informal but clean tidy and stylish
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suitable for formal occasion
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close-fitting, using little material
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modern, stylish
to be dressed to kill
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wear clothes intended to attract people's attention (sexually)
designer (label) clothes
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clothes projected by someone famous
off the peg / rack
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clothes are made and bought in standard size
on the high street
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in main street
all the rage
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very fashionable
the height of fashion
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an extremely fashionable way
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dealing with the most recent trends
have set a new trend
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started a new fashion
ahead of your time
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you have new ideas or opinions before they are fashionable
catch on
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become popular
a slave of/ to fashion
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someone who is strongly influenced by fashion
off the cuff
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without having prepared anything
to be hand in glove with someone
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to have a close working relationship with someone
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invloving secrecy and mystery
to have/ take the shirt off someone's back
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someone's last possession
on a shoestring
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spending as little as possible
without frills
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simple and plain
to put someone in a straitjacket
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restrict someone's freedom
to wear the trousers
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to be the dominant partner in a marriage

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