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pv- if a supply of something dries up that is gradually less of it until there is none left
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dry up
as she got older office of modeling work began to dry up
pv- to suddenly stop talking because you do not know what to say next
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dry up
the play was going very well until one of the actor suddenly dried up
pv- to dry dishes with a towel after you have washed them
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dry up, dry sth up
v-- to be likely to do something or to happen in a particular way because this is what often or usually happens (mieć tendencje)
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tend (to do sth) (towards sth)
women tend to live longer than men/ people tend to be happier if they are in a long-term relationship /when I'm tired I tend to make mistakes/ prices have tended downwards over recent year
v- to care for sb/sth
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I will tend your children
cienki naleśnik
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n- an idea, a belief or an image you have as a result of how you see or understand something
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there is a general public perception that standards in schools are failing
n- the way you notice things especially with the senses
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everyone's perception of reality is slightly different
v- to increase something to make something stronger
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yesterday's meeting is likely to fuel further speculation about a takeover
uwaga, spostrzeżenie, komentarz
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I would like to make a couple of personal remarks /next time you should ignore his silly remarks
v- to make an illness or a bad or unpleasant situation worse
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pollution can aggravate asthma
adv- ostentacyjnie, pretensjonalnie
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n- the natural qualities of a person's character (usposobienie)
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to have a cheerful disposition
n-a quality of tending to behave in a particular way
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disposition (to/towards sth, to do sth)
do people have a natural disposition to be good?
n- a way of dealing with or improving an unpleasant or difficult situation
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there is no simple remedy for unemployment/ there are a number of possible remedies to this problem
n- a treatment or medicine to cure a disease or reduce pain that is not very serious
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an excellent home remedy for sore throats
n- kradzież
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thieve (steal)
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v- różnić się
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The hotel rooms vary in size/ these lipsticks vary in shade and price
adj- przeróżny, rozliczny, rozmaity, różny
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he has moved abroad for various reasons/ I keep various pets in my house
v- to do something called try to achieve something over a. Of time
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to pursue a goal /I was determined to pursue my dream of becoming an actor
v- continue to discuss find out about or be involved in something
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we have decided not to pursue the matter /she wanted the freedom to pursue her own interest
v- to follow or go after somebody something especially in order to catch them
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police pursued the car at high speed
adj- deliberately including people thanks ideas Etc from all sections of society points-of-view Etc
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the party must adopt a more inclusive strategies and a broader vision
adj- including all the days months numbers etc. mentioned
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inclusive (from... to... inclusive)
we are offering free holydays for children aged 2 to 11 inclusive
adj- having the total or the cost of something that is mentioned contained in the price
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the rent is inclusive of water and Heating
adj- ekonomiczny, gospodarczy
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last week's meeting was about the economic and financial situation
adj-ekonomiczny, oszczędny
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I chose this car because it's economical
n- kara więzienia, kara pozbawienia wolności
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he only had to pay a fine and manage to avoid imprisonment
dokładka jedzenia
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I ate a second helping of this soup
v- to make a difficult for somebody to do something or for something to happen (utrudniać)
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a political situation that hinders economic growth
n- zachowanie, utrzymanie, konserwacja, ochrona
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we should focus more on the preservation of cultural heritage
pv- to behave or make somebody something behave in the same way as other people or how they should behave
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fall /come/get into line
the other members of the board must be brought into line/ the actions of investors do not always fall into line with financial Theory
adj- owing something to somebody because of something that they have done for you (zobowiązany)
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she didn't like to be beholden to anyone
być/czuć się zoboeiącanym komuś
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be/feel beholden to sb
n- if there is an inconsistency between two statements etc. they cannot both be true because they give the fact in a different way (niezgodność, niespójność)
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there is some inconsistency between the witnesses' evidence and their earlier statements
obowiązek / an unpleasant or boring task
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doing the household chores/I find shopping a real chore
v- to keep somebody's attention by being interesting attractive Etc
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the children were captivated by her stories
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he drunk the juice through a straw
zdumiewać, zachwycać/ cud cudo (a wonderful and surprising person or thing/ wonderful results of things that have been achieved)
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this computer is a technological Marvel/ the marvels of nature
być na czyimś miejscu
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be in somebody's shoes
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adj- that can be clearly seen to exist /that you can touch or feel (namacalny)
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tangible benefits, results/ we cannot accept his findings without tangible evidence /the tension between them was almost tangible
n- a strong negative reaction by a large number of people for example to something that has recently changed in society
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the government is facing an angry backlash from voters over the new tax
ukończenie, zakończenie
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we are nearing the complexion of the renovation
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tulić się
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adj- pociągający, kuszący
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that quality in him made him appealing
v- to go to where somebody /something is and bring them /it back
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she is gone to fetch the kids from school/ the inhabitants have to walk a mile to fetch water
n- the state of not having or not having enough of, something that is essential
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vitamin deficiency in the diet can cause illnesses
n-a fault or a weakness in something somebody that makes it or them less successful
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deficiencies in the computer system
adj-allowing or showing a Freedom of behavior that many people do not approve of (poblażliwy, puszczalski)
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permissive attitudes/ permissive parents
pv- przytyć
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put on
pv- to give or teach something to your children or people younger than you who will then give or teach it to those who live after them and so on
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pass sth down
adj- very strange or unusual
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adj- made or produced to copy something natural, not real/ created by people not happening naturally/ not what it appears to be fake,
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an artificial flower/ a job interview is a very artificial situation /artificial emotion
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emerytura (pieniądze)
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adj- szeroki
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he has broad shoulders
bieda, ubóstwo
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v- zaludniać, zasiedlać
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n- przeludnienie
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na miejscu, natychmiast, na poczekaniu
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on the spot
adv- for this reason
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we suspect they are trying to hide something hence the need for an independent inquiry
silny, dobrze umięśniony
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odprawa celna
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adv- wrongly, in a way that is based on something that is not true or not correct
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to be falsely accused of sth/ patients may falsely believe that screening prevents cancer
adv- in a way that is not real or sincere
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she smiled falsely at his joke
zarażać entuzjazmem
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adj- serious and often showing that you do not approve of sb/sth; expecting sb to obey you
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a stern face/expression/ her voice was stern
n- a sudden short feeling of pain
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he felt a twinge in his knee
n- a sudden short feeling of an unpleasant emotion
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a twinge of dissapointment
n- mental pressure or worry felt by sb because they have too much to do or manage, sth that caouse this pressure (napięcie, emocjonalne, stres)
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you will learn to cope with the stress and strain of public life
n- the pressure that is put on sth when a physical force stretches, pushes, or pulls it (obciążenie)
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the rope broke under the strain/ you should try not to place too much strain on muscles and joints
n- an injury to a part of your body such as a muscle that is caused by using it too much or twisting it
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a calf/ leg strain
wizyta (u lekarza)
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v- sprzeciwiać się
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I objected to going to a park in cold weather /she objected her mother constantly
wprowadzający, wstępny
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i- wszędzie
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right, left and centre
brzeg rzeki
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adj- an emphatic statement answer Etc it's given with force to show that it is important/ making it very clear what you mean by speaking with Force (stanowczy, dobitny)
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an emphatic denial/ rejection// he was emphatic that he could not work with her
n- rada, porada
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I need councel on Tax Matters
śliski, ślisko
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adj- sensible and careful when you make judgments and decision, avoiding unnecessary risks (ostrożny, przezorny)
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a prudent decision/ it might be more prudent to get a second opinion before going ahead
adj- having or showing a desire to harm somebody or hurt their feelings caused by a feeling of hate (złośliwy)
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he took malicious pleasure in telling me what she had said
v- stanowić
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climate change constitutes a major threat to life/ female workers constitute the majority of the labour force
v- (+adv/prep) to flow slowly and in small quantities through something or into something (przesączać)
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blood was beginning to seep through the bandages
adv- in a way that shows no feeling understanding or interest (beznamiętnie, obojętnie)
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she stared blankly into space not knowing what to say next
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adj- thinking and/or worrying continuously about something so that you do not pay attention to other things(pochłonięty, zaabsorbowany, zajęty)
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preoccupied (with sth)
he was too preoccupied with his own thoughts to notice anything wrong
v- if something is preoccupying you, you think or worry about it very often or all the time (zaprzątać)
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thoughts of failure preoccupied him
v- to make somebody believe something that is not true
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you poor deluded creature/ he is deluding himself if he thinks it's going to be easy
adj- aggressive and unfriendly
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a belligerent attitude
n- the selling of goods to the public usually through shops (sprzedaż)
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the recommended retail price is 9.99
syrop klonowy
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maple syrup

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