ADN3 17.10

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Frage Antworten
to adjust
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we adjust the offer to the client
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dopasowujemy ofertę do klienta
the offer is adjusted to the client
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oferta dostosowana do klienta
our company sets directions on the training market
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nasza firma wyznacza kierunki na rynku szkoleń
Am I frozen?
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Zawiesiłem się?
to miss
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Have I missed anything?
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Czy cos mnie ominelo?
fierce conversation
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zażarta konwersacja
skip ads
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pomiń reklamy
to add
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Do you want to add something?
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Chcesz coś dodać?
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training outcome
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rezultat szkolenia
I can’t go along with this.
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I can’t agree.
the whole thing
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ta cała rzecz / ta cała sprawa
to give up control
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lose control
up to a point
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partially / częściowo / do pewnego stopnia
You’re supposed to do it today.
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You should do it today.
The client was supposed to call us yesterday.
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The client should have called yesterday.
think it over
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przemyśleć to

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