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zniechęcający, odstraszający
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Understanding the new health care bill can be a daunting process.
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We have made a good start but there is no room for complacency.
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to showcase
The company has showcased their new product during the conference.
rozszerzać działalność
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to branch out
Most people are afraid to branch out in a different direction.
przyłożyć się, przez pewien czas pracować bardzo ciężko
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to put the hammer down
poprzeć coś dowodami, uzasadniać zarzuty
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to substantiate
However, there is no direct evidence to substantiate this relationship.
1. odpowiedni, stosowny; 2. twarzowy
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skromny, bezpretensjonalny
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But what if your unassuming parents would actually like a party?
iść na łatwiznę
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to cut corners
If you cut corners just for a quiet life, you'll have trouble
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przesiąkać, przenikać
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Music from the series has permeated into different areas of culture.
ostrożny, powściągliwy
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We are going to have to be very circumspect for a while.
odnosić same sukcesy, mieć szczęśćie
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to be on a roll
She's on a roll, she just got engaged and got a promotion.
podejrzany, szemrany
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It's not my fault you own this dodgy stock.
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mean, vicious
w międzyczasie
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in the interim
nieszczęśliwy wypadek, wtopa
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a mishap
There were no such mishaps in the second half of the program.
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a foretaste
It was just a foretaste of the difficulties to come.
miły, przyjemny, sympatyczny
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powiązanie z czymś, pokrewieństwo, powinowactwo
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affinity to sth

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