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recoup (my losses)
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bricks and mortar
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existing as a physical building, especially a shop, rather than doing business only on the internet (cegła i zaprawa)
entail (risk)
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to make something necessary, or to involve something (pociąga za sobą ryzyko)
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shares in a company that are owned by people who have a right to vote at the company's meetings and to receive part of the company's profits
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reluctant to take risk
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to buy a property in order to rent it out and make money
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to change from a higher-pressure well-paid job to a potentially more satisfying lower-paid job and possibly in new area of the country
eighth age of man
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the final stage of an old person's life, following Shakespeare's seven ages
quids in
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to make good money out of sth
pear shaped
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when sth goes wrong
plum property
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attractive property/real estate
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a political and administrative division of a state
have one's head screwed on
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to be wise or sensible
blue chip company
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trusted, well-known company
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fall or drop straight down at high speed
to put sb off
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o stop someone from doing something
to wind up
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to finish or to close up
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someone who avoids risks
to put all your eggs in one basket
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This is a piece of advice which means that one should not concentrate all efforts and resources in one area as one could lose everything
boost income streams
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to increase revenues
a buffer against the herd instict
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protection against the rises and falls of the market
a diversified portfolio
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a range of investments in different areas
going against the herd instict
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behaving in an individual manner
a lack of transparency
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no abillity to see what is really going on
command a premium price
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charge a lot of money
a sure-fire investment
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an investment which can't go wrong
to back sb up
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to support or help someone
to top up
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to fill sth up
to reckon
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to think or believe
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something that is not worth what you pay for it
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not so great or important as the other
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to get sth solved
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to find answer to your affairs
to bail out
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the act of helping a person or organization that is in difficulty, usually by giving or giving or lending money
call the shots
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to be in position of control and authority
fat cat
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a very rich and powerful person, usually in business and politics
going rate
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the usual amount of money that people are paying for sth
grind to a halt
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things get gradually slower until they stop
market volatility
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an unpredictable and fluctuating investment market
weigh in
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to become involved in sth
to hit the headlines
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to appear in the news suddenly or receive a lot of attention in news reportseadlines
stir up
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to cause (someone) to feel a strong emotion and a desire to do something
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the act of trying to make someone say something
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to give up or lose the right to something
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to make something possible or easier
Spun off
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to seperate, for example something such as a company means to create a new company that is separate from the original organization.
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higher risk (loans)
to be stripped of (their bonuses)
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lacking (their bonuses)
to cream off
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to take a lot of money or profit, especially an unfair amount, in a business deal
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someone who helps to arrange business deals and discussions between other people(pośrednik)
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not connected to or influenced by one particular person or group
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has an advantage or opportunity that most other people do not have
Lernen beginnen
to separate someone from the person or people that they are with

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