Article #36 Holidays

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In Canada, we have many different days that we celebrate.
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No Canadá, temos muitos dias diferentes que comemoramos.
On the first day of January, there is New Year's Day.
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No primeiro dia de janeiro, há o dia de ano novo.
That is when we ring in the new year, and say goodbye to the old year.
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É quando tocamos no ano novo e dizemos adeus ao ano antigo.
In February, there is Valentine's day.
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Em fevereiro, há dia dos namorados.
That is the day when you tell your girlfriend or boyfriend that you love them.
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É o dia em que você diz à sua namorada ou namorado que os ama.
You can buy them flowers or candy, or take them out to dinner.
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Você pode comprar flores ou doces ou levá-los para jantar.
In March, there is Saint Patrick's Day.
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Em março, é o dia de São Patrício.
Everyone pretends that they are Irish on Saint Patrick’s Day.
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Todo mundo finge que é irlandês no dia de São Patrício.
They all wear green.
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Todos eles vestem verde.
Easter comes in the spring.
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A Páscoa chega na primavera.
Easter is a religious holiday.
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A Páscoa é um feriado religioso.
Some people celebrate by going to church.
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Algumas pessoas celebram indo à igreja.
Some people think that the Easter bunny comes and leaves chocolate eggs for them.
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Algumas pessoas pensam que o coelhinho da Páscoa chega e deixa ovos de chocolate para eles.
In May, there is Victoria Day.
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Em maio, é o dia de Victoria.
We celebrate this day in honor of England's Queen Victoria.
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Celebramos este dia em homenagem à rainha Victoria da Inglaterra.
There are fireworks on Victoria Day.
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Há fogos de artifício no dia de Victoria.
July the first is Canada Day.
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O primeiro de julho é o dia do Canadá.
In September, there is Labor Day.
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Em setembro, há o Dia do Trabalho.
This is the day that we honor the working man or woman.
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Este é o dia em que honramos o homem ou a mulher que trabalha.
In October, there is Thanksgiving.
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Em outubro, há ação de graças.
We give thanks for all the things that we are fortunate enough to have.
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Agradecemos todas as coisas que temos a sorte de ter.
We usually have a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Day.
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Costumamos jantar na Turquia no dia de ação de graças.
On the last day of October, there is Halloween.
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No último dia de outubro, há o Halloween.
The children dress up in costumes, and go from door to door collecting candies.
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As crianças se vestem com fantasias e vão de porta em porta coletando doces.
Remembrance Day is in November.
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O dia da lembrança é em novembro.
People wear red poppies, and they remember all the people that died for their country.
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As pessoas usam papoilas vermelhas e lembram-se de todas as pessoas que morreram por seu país.
Christmas comes in December.
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O Natal chega em dezembro.
Christmas is also a religious holiday, but many children believe that Santa Claus arrives on Christmas Eve in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.
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O Natal também é um feriado religioso, mas muitas crianças acreditam que o Papai Noel chega na véspera de Natal em um trenó puxado por renas.
They believe that Santa Claus fills up their stockings with toys and goodies.
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Eles acreditam que o Papai Noel enche as meias com brinquedos e guloseimas.
He gets in and out of people's houses through their chimneys.
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Ele entra e sai da casa das pessoas pelas chaminés.
We don't get off work or school for all of these days, but many of them are holidays from work and school.
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Não saímos do trabalho ou da escola durante todos esses dias, mas muitos deles são férias do trabalho e da escola.

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