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wyciąg bankowy
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account statement, - a printed or electronic record showing what money has been spend or received
kupno, nabycie
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acquisition- the act of buying something such as a company, building or a piece of a land
złożyć wniosek o debet
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apply for an overdraft- apply for an arrangement to withdraw more money form your bank account than you have placed in it
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cash machine, cash dispenser, ATM, cash point - a machine from which you can take money out of your bank account using a special card
lokować pieniądze w banku
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deposit money in the bank/ bank deposit- an amount of money that is put into a bank account
przelew bankowy
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bank transfer- sending money from one bank account to the another
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a banknote/ bill- a piece of printed paper that has a particular value as money
stop bazowa
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base rate/ prime rate- the Americans commercial bank's interest rate for lending money to big, secure companies
bańka spekulacyjna
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a bubble- a temporary period when a lot of people invest in a stock, property or products that they became much more expensive than its real value
przepływy pieniężne
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cash flows- the amount of money moving into and out of a business
wypłata gotowki
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cash withdrawal/ withdraw cash- the act of taking money out of a bank account
sprawdzać saldo/stan konta
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check the balance- checking the amout of money you have in your bank account
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collateral- something that acts as a security or guarantee for a debt
kryzys bankowy z powodu wstrzymania pożyczek
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credit crunch- banking crisis due to withhold loans
ocena zdolnosci kredytowej
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credit rating/ credit standing- estimates of people's ability to fulfill their financial commitments
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creditability- the quality of being creditable- being able to fulfill commitments
zdolność kredytowa
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creditworthiness / credit capacity- safe to lend money to
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currency- the money that is used in a particular country
rachunek bieżący
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a current/checking account- bank account from which you can tak money at any time and it usually earn little or no interest, easy access to money at any time
niezdolność do zapłaty
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default on payment- failure to rapay a loan
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depositor- person who deposit or place money in the bank
stopa dyskontowa
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discount rate- the cantral bank's minimum interest rate for lending money to other banks
stopa dyskontowa
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discount rate- the cantral bank's minimum interest rate for lending money to other banks
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divestiture- the act of selling an asset, business or part of a business
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down payment- a payment of part of the total costs of sth that you want to buy, the rest of the costs is paid later
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fee- an amout of money paid for a particular piece of a service or work
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commission- a payment directly related to the amount of selling products or bank commission
stała stopa procentowa
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fixed interest rate- an interest rate that is not changing
zmienna stopa procentowa
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floating/ variable interest rate- a borrowing rate that is not fixed
wymiana zagraniczna
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foreign exchange- the financial market in which currencies are bought and sold
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growth- an increase in the ability of an economy or business to produce goods or services
stopa inflacji
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inflation rate- the rate of which prices increase over time, cousing the value of money to fall
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insolvent- not having enought money to pay debts, buy goods
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interest- you can earn it when you leave your money in the bank, or it is a price for borrowing money paid to the bank
stopa procentowa
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interest rate- the costs of borrowig money expressed as a percentage of a loan
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intermediary- person or an organization that makes business or financial arrangement between conpanies that do not deal with each other directly
bank kupiecki/ ineestycyjny
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investment/ merchant bank- bank who help companies to buy and sell financial products and helps companies to buy or merge with other companies
pozyczkodawca ostatniej instancji
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lender of last resort- a central bank or organization that lends money to banks or countries in difficult financial situation when they cannot borrow from anywhere else
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liabilities- an amount of money that organization owes
ubezpieczenie na życie
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life insurance- a system in which you make regular payments to an insurance company in exchange for a fixed amound of money which will be paid to someone you have named when you die
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mortgage- a long-term loan to buy somewhere to live
główna kwota pożyczki
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principal of the loan- the amout due on any debt, before interest
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a property/ real estate- land or building that someone owns
rezerwa obowiązkowa
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reserve requirement- the amount of funds that bank holds in reserve to ensure that it is able to meet liabilities in case of sudden withdrawals
bankowość detaliczna
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retail banking- refers to the consumer oriented services offered by commercial banks
bank komercyjny
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commercial bank- provides financial services to the general public and companies
konto oszczędnościowe
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a saving account- bank account which earns interest on the money kept in it
zlecić / odwołać zlecenie stałe
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set up / cancel a standing order- an instruction to the bank to pay varying sums of money to another account
zlecić / odwołać polecenie zapłaty
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set up / cancel direct debit- an instruction to the bank to pay regular, fixed sums of money to another account
dzień rozliczenia
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settlement day- the day on which payment must be made
wyplacalny/ wypłacalność
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solvent / solvency- ability to pay all the money that is owed
udzielić pożyczki
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grant/make a loan- lending an amount of money that has to be paid back with interest
wpłacić pieniądze
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make/place deposits
wyksięgować coś
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write-off - cancel a bad debt or a worthless asset forn an account
pożyczka bankowa
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bank loan- an amount of money borrowed from a bank for a certain lenght of time, usually for a specifit purpose
plan/ system emerytalny
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pension plan- an arrangement for saving money to give you income when you stop working

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