Book 2, lesson 15

 0    13 Datenblatt    Laura Faustyna
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Frage English Antworten English
What do we write with?
Lernen beginnen
We write with a pen
What are you sitting on?
Lernen beginnen
I am sitting on a chair
What do we use to sit?
Lernen beginnen
We use a chair to sit
Tell me the names of the four cardinal points, please
Lernen beginnen
The names of the four cardinal points are north, south, east and west
Is Krakow in the north of Germany?
Lernen beginnen
No, Krakow isn’t in the north of Germany; it’s in the south of Poland
Is there anybody sitting in that place?
Lernen beginnen
No, nobody is sitting here. That place is free.
Tell me the names of some places you like in Krakow
Lernen beginnen
The names of some places I like in Krakow are Main Square, Wawel Castle, Błonia
What's the opposite of “behind“?
Lernen beginnen
The opposite of “behind“ is “in front of“
What's the opposite of “with“
Lernen beginnen
The opposite of “with“ is “without“
Can you read without wearing glasses?
Lernen beginnen
Yes, I can read without wearing glasses
What's the difference between a verb and a noun
Lernen beginnen
The difference between a verb and a noun is that a verb is a word we use for an action, whereas a noun is the name of a thing
Do we speak french during the lesson?
Lernen beginnen
No, we don’t speak french during the lesson; we speak English
About how many people live in Nielepice
Lernen beginnen
About 600 people live in Nielepice

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