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after birth the median umbilical ligament covers
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the median umbilical ligament
prenatal period: midgut
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over 270 around the superior nureuteric artery
contens of which folds, is not changes? (after birth)
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Lateral inguinal fold; that contains inferior epigastric vessels.
When exist ligament?
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After birth,
Folds are composed by
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pariteal peritoneum
1st order aorta:
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celiac trunk
2st order aorta
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common hepatic artery, splenic artery
3rd order aorta
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proper hepatic artery, left gastro-omental a, gastro-duodendal a, ilocecal a, appendicular a
4rd order aorta
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superior anterior pancreatica-duodendal a.
Right gastropancreatic fold
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common hepatic a.
left gastric a.
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it passes along the lesser curvature and seperate the omental bursa -> left gastropancreatic fold
hepatoduodendal lig.
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proper hepatic a.
gastrosplenic lig.
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short ar.
Ductous venosus anasthomosis
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left umbilical vein and inferior vena cava
Azyzgos vein -> jaka anatosmoza?
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cavo-cava; łączy inferior i superior vena cava
Vena cystica uchodzą do
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zatoki wątroby
Lanz point
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situated on the line connecting the two anterior superior iliac spines, 1/3 of the distance from the right spine
McBurney's point
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one-third of the distance from the right anterior superior iliac spine to the umbilicus
What is greater? Musculopectineal hiatus or triangle of hasselbach
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musculopectineal hiatus
through musculopectineal hiatus:
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both inguinal hernia, femoral hernia
The triangle of hasselbach is located within...
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the musculopectineal hiatus
Anal canal poniżej (below) pectineal line
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Inguinal nodes
Anal canal powyżej (above) pectineal line
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NIE inguinal nodes
Czy azygos a. moze byc na anterior wall of vagina?
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czasami tak
kidney: the neighboring arcuate veins
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do anastomose
kidney: the neighboring arcuate artery
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do not anastomose
poor(indigient) vasculature of the large intenstine
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the sudeck point of rectosigmoid junction and at the griffith point of the left colic flexure
the left gonadal and suprarenal veins are dreivatives of the
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left postcardinal vein
Cavo-caval anastomoses
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superior epigastric, deep gastric, ascending lumbar, vertebral
porto-caval anastomoses
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Retzius retroperitoneal and paraumbilical
Iliocecal junction gastrointestinal truck
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preaortic nodes, intestinal truck
native synonim
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both isaac-Ludwig arterioles and veracious vasa recta
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avoid renal glomeruli, and usually are derivatives of afferent glomerular arterioles
mucosa part of duodendum
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bulb, the greater part of descending part, the major duodendal papilla -> prefers foregut
below the major duodenal papilla start
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start midgut
the junction between the embryological foregut and midgut
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is just below the major duodenal papilla
visceral sensory fibers from the pancreas pass with
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greater splanchnic nerve, whereas those from the uterine cervix wtih the pelvic splachnic nerve
Bruners gland refer to...
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to the forgut.
Prepuce has...
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only 2 layers of skin, 2 layers of tunica dartos, 1 layer of superficial fascia of penis.
Colles fascia - where ends?
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at the base of the glans penis (nie obejmuje prepuce)
visceral sensory fibers must pass with...
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symphatethic splanchnic nerve
Visceral pain fibers accompaning pelvic splanchnic nerves: male
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rectum, sigmoid, prostate
Visceral pain fibers accompaning pelvic splanchnic nerves: female
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rectum, sigmoid, uterine cervix
main ligament of uterus
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parametrium + broad ligament of uterus = uternie a. v. plexus, ureter
Tętnica nasieniowodu odchodzi od:
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Internal iliac a., umbilical a., superior and inferior vescial a.
Midpelvic plane synonim
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amplitudinal plane
The subcostal and intertubercular planes mark orinigs
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of the inferior mesenteric a, and internal iliac a.
The angustial plane is narrowed by the
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bilateral ischail spine (nie tuberosities!!!)
Common hepatic a. -> plexus
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It coverd by celiac plexus. Common hepatic pass all alone.
Short gastric arteries and vein ->
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gastosplenic ligament
Left gastric artery and vein
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left gastropancreatic fold

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