Business Idioms 2: LinguaHouse Worksheet B2-C1

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to do something by the book
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100% according to the rules
to come up short
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failed to achieve a goal completely
to corner the market
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dominate a particular sector
to get the ball rolling
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start something (usually a work project)
to get a foot in the door
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take a low-level position with a company with the goal of eventually getting a better position with the same company in the future
something goes through the roof
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something increased very quickly
to close the books
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stop taking orders in order to end a bookkeeping period
to give someone the green light
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give (someone) permission to start doing something
in the red
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not profitable, operating at a loss
red tape
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excessive rules and procedures
a gray area
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not easily categorised
a long shot
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something that has a low probability of happening
a safe bet
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something that will probably happen

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