CAE 251 - 275

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con la testa sulle spalle
Rob ha davvero la testa sulle spalle. Analizza sempre la situazione prima di agire.
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Rob is very level-headed. He always considers a situation very carefully before acting.
Tim voleva mantenere le sua auto in buone condizioni, così decise di fare controlli periodici.
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to maintain
Tim wanted to maintain the good condition of his car, so he took it for a regular service.
Questo accordo è molto remunerativo. Se firmeremo il contratto, faremo un sacco di soldi.
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This deal is very lucrative. If we sign the contract, we could make a lot of money.
Devi stare attento quando cammini in questo vicolo. Gli spacciatori spesso si nascondono nell'ombra.
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to lurk
You have to be careful when walking through this alleyway. Drug dealers often lurk in the shadows.
Craig è maturo per essere un ragazzino. Si comporta come se avesse vent'anni.
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Craig is so mature for a teenage boy. He acts as if he is in his twenties.
Per via di una distrazione momentanea, Kelsie fece un errore e fu licenziata dal suo lavoro.
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Due to a momentary lapse of judgement, Kelsie made a mistake and was fired from her job.
La roccia era gigantesca, Becky era spaventata che potesse schiacciarla se fosse caduto.
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The boulder was so massive, Becky was scared it would squash her if it fell.
+18 Datenblatt
Die Lektion ist Teil des Kurses
(Insgesamt 1.500 Datenblatt)

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