chp. 10

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what is public health
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goal is to protect promote and restore health and reduce the premature death. the government helps with health. they intervene to make sure everyone's okay. prevention efforts, health programs and behaviors that prevent illness
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the study of the history of a disease and its distribution throughout Society
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The Continuous search for documentation of disease in public health
leper colonies
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a place they quarantined people who had leprosy
Lemuel Shattuck
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published the report of the Sanitary Commission of Massachusetts. later became the blueprint for Public Health Systems
what are the traditional roles of Public Health
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to enforce Public Safety for everyone around them
what does prevalence mean
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total number of infected / affected people over time
what does incidence mean
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number of new cases of a disease or event. (ex). car accident
what does morbidity measure
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number of cases of a specific disease in a specific period of time
what does mortality measure
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the number of people who have died from a given disease
what is the CDC fed agency monitoring and fighting
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monitor disease and help prevent outbreaks / fight disease

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