come to terms with

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come to terms with
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Come to accept (a new and painful or difficult event or situation); reconcile oneself to.
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‘she had come to terms with the tragedies in her life’
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‘It is always difficult coming to terms with an imminent loss, but it was made much easier when such kindness was shown by an entire team.’
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‘He said injured passengers on the ward had found it difficult coming to terms with the way they had survived when others had not.’
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‘It's an odd paradox that as Alex comes to terms with these events from his past, he struggles to ignore and repress them.’
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‘It is difficult to come to terms with the fact that his affable presence will be no more.’
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‘It's how he comes to terms with the events of his life.’
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‘This makes the fact that the lyrics are so poor even more difficult to come to terms with.’
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‘We put on a brave front when there's really a need for grieving and coming to terms with the situation.’
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‘By now everyone was aware of their impending doom and chaos was starting to break out, but through it all many people came to terms with their fate and accepted it.’
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‘Many are pioneer-era women coming to terms with accepting other women into their homes.’
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‘I went on to describe the inclement weather and how difficult I found it coming to terms with it.’
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accept, come to accept, become reconciled to, reconcile oneself to, reach an acceptance, reach an acceptance of, get used to, become accustomed to, adjust to, accommodate oneself to, acclimatize oneself to
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