Communication: telling and asking people to do things

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Frage English Antworten English
Open your mouth, please. Don't talk. You must sleep now. You mustn't talk. You're to drink this. You're not to leave any. I want you to drink it all.
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Could you open your mouth, please?
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Sometimes we put an order in the form of a request to make it more polite.
Fasten sit belts. No smoking. Ball games are prohibited.
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written orders
Nurses will wear uniform at all times.
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a strict order
I'll have the chicken. A coke for me, please
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Ordering food and drink
Would you mind taking me to the station? Would you like to wash up? Would you pass the butter, please? Will you wait a moment, please? Could you tell me when the next train is?
Would you mind + -ing form is a polite request. would and could are rather more polite than will and can.
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Making a request
Can I have some water, please? Open the window, would you?/ will you?/could you?/can you? (informal)
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Making a request (2)
Passengers are requested to remain in their seats. (formal)
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Making a formal request
Excuse me. Can I get past?
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Asking someone to move out of the way
OK/All right/Yes, of course/Sure. Certainly (more formal)
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Agreeing to a request
Unfortunately I haven't time. I have to go now, actually. I'm sorry, but I'm just going out. I'm afraid I can't just at the moment.
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Refusing a request
Can I use your pen? May I borrow this book, please? (more formal than Can I...?) Do you mind if I open the window? Is it all right if we sit here?
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Asking permission
Yes, of course. Go ahead. Of course you can/you may. Yes, all right. Certainly (more formal)
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Giving permission
No, I'm afraid that's not possible. I'm sorry. I'm reading it myself at the moment.
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refusing permission
What shall/can we do? Have you got any ideas/suggestions?
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Asking for a suggestion
Shall we go for a swim? What about/How about playing cards/a game of cards? Why don't we/Why not lie in the sun? Let's go for a walk (, shall we?) We could go to the park.
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Making a suggestion
Good idea/OK/Fine/Yes, let's do that/Yes, why not?
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Agreeing with a suggestion
Well, I was just going to make some coffee. I don't feel like cards/don't want to play cards, actually. I'm sorry, it's too hot for me. Let's go to the club instead. That would be nice, but I have to meet someone.
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Disagreeing with a suggestion
What shall I do? What should I do/ought I to do about a job? What would you do in my position?/if you were me? Could you advise me what to do? I'd like to ask your advice about a job.
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Asking for advice
I think you ought to/should/had better talk to your parents. If I were you/If you ask me, I wouldn't leave school yet
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Giving advice
Well, I'd advise you to stay at school. If you want/ask/take my advice, you won't decide in a hurry. The best thing for you to do is talk to your head teacher.
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Giving advice (2)
Turn left and then take the first turning on the right. Don't touch it until it's dry. First you beat the eggs, and then you have to add some sugar.
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Telling someone how to do something
When you've done that, you... Make sure it's clean. You must pull hard. This is how you do it/You do it like this.
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Telling someone how to do something (2)
Look out! Watch out!
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warning of immediate danger
If you take all those glasses, you'll drop them. They're heavy, I'm warning you/let me warn you. Mind those glasses. Be careful, or there'll be an accident.
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Don't forget your money/Don't forget to take your money. Remember to post the letter. Make sure you lock the door.
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Don't move or I'll shoot! If you do anything stupid you'll be sorry. Any trouble from you and I'll call the police.
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I really must have the money today. I'm sorry to insist, but I need it today. I'm afraid I simply can't wait any longer. It's absolutely essential you pay me today. I insist on having it now (formal)
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Why don't you join the club? -I don't want to. Why not? All your friends go there. Go on/Come on. You could try it. You might enjoy it. -Well, I don't know. I'll think about it.
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Look, it would be better than doing nothing, wouldn't it? You really must get out sometimes. -Oh, all right then. I'll go next week.
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Persuading (2)

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