corduroy mansions 2.2

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. Assets that are available.
Pol. majątek rozporządzalny
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disposable assets
Well off, he had read somewhere, now meant disposable assets
looking suitable or good enough, esp. in the way you are dressed
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Virtually anybody could be presentable if they made at least some effort.
(esp. of a desire or need) too great to be satisfied;
Pol. nienasycony, chciwy
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Who would want to meet an insatiable woman?
Pol. aluzja; wskazówka, rada
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There had been several broad hints dropped that Eddie might care to move out
To _____ it is to die.
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snuff it
the hints dropped had fallen on unreceptive ground.
To ____ something, esp. land or a building, is to make an agreement with a bank or similar organization in which you borrow money from it and it becomes the owner of the land or building and can take possession of it if you fail to pay back the money.
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Then there had been an offer to help with a mortgage
A ____ is a Christian prayer or a long list of unpleasant things, particularly things that are repeated.
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a litany of the flat's advantages was recited.
to admit, often unwillingly, (that something is true)
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Not as such," he conceded.
If you _____a problem or difficulty ______, you deal with it calmly and do not let it have an effect on what you are doing.
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take in your stride
William took this in his stride.
happening or done too soon, esp. before the natural or desired time
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I appreciate the offer, but I think it's premature.
. to bend the top half of the body forward and down
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He turned away from the bathroom mirror and stooped down to run his morning bath.
Pol. zatrzymać się dłużej (nad czymś), nie spieszyć się (z czymś)
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linger over sth
This meant that he could have his bath and then his breakfast in a more leisurely way, lingering over his boiled egg and newspaper before setting off
a special and enjoyable occasion or experience
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a small treat, but a valued one.
. a small round piece of pastry that is filled with chicken, vegetables etc and eaten at parties
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if someone or something is _____, a sharp pointed object goes through them
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an insect at the stage before it becomes adult, when it is protected by a special cover
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always thinking of the things you can do to make people happy or comfortable
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small in degree
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a very small amount or sign of something
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to almost do something but then decide not to do it
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stop short of
a feeling of liking or love and caring [= fondness]
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(formal) relating to cooking
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____ [plural] an attempt to begin a friendly relationship with a person or country
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full of something
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