czesc 5

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decayed and having an unpleasant smell
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a feeling of hate continuing anger about something in the past
to regurgitate
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a/ to bring back swallowed food into the mouth, b/ disapproving if you regurgitate facts, you just repeat what you have heard without thinking about it
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feeling sorry for something that you have done
to repudiate
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to refuse to accept something or someone as true, good or reasonable
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determined in character, action or ideas
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having or showing understanding and the ability to make good judgments; wisdom
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(of someone or their character) positive and hopeful
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containing important new ideas and having a great influence on later work
to stagnate
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to stay the same and not grow or develop
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needing or using a lot of physical or mental effort or energy
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done secretly, without anyone seeing or knowing
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a long angry speech expressing strong disapproval
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something which fails to represent the values and qualities that it is intended to represent, in a way that is shocking or offensive
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seeming to be in all places
to usurp
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o take control or a position of power, especially without having the right to
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a thin layer of decorative wood or plastic used to cover a cheaper material or something which hides something unplesent or unwanted
to vex
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to cause difficulty to someone, or to cause someone to feel angry, annoyed or upset
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(of a person) clever, having a very good understanding of situations, possibilities and people, and often willing to use tricks to achieve an ain
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sad and thinking about something that is impossible or in the past

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