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Let's slow things down.
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Vamos desacelerar as coisas.
Often we can feel a little out of sorts at this time of year.
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Muitas vezes podemos nos sentir um pouco incomodados nesta época do ano.
As the days become shorter and the leaves turn color,
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À medida que os dias se tornam mais curtos e as folhas ficam mais coloridas,
it's normal to be struck by tiredness,
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é normal ser atingido pelo cansaço
deep contemplation...
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contemplação profunda...
. perhaps even a little sadness.
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Talvez até um pouco de tristeza.
That's why it's so important to take a moment to calm the senses as the seasons change.
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É por isso que é tão importante ter um momento para acalmar os sentidos conforme as estações mudam.
To help you do just that,
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Para ajudar você a fazer isso,
here's a beautifully juicy and calming yoga sequence to transition into fall.
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aqui está uma seqüência de yoga lindamente suculenta e calmante para a transição para o outono.
Hit the mat now.
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Bata no tapete agora.
your weekly yoga love
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seu amor semanal de ioga
do you yoga
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você yoga
Read of the week
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Leia da semana

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