el autismo y su relación con las vacunas

 0    45 Datenblatt    willowfoot
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Frage Antworten
affect sb
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afectar A alguien
the prevalence
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la prevalencia
point TO
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apuntar a
the improvement
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la mejora
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disprove sth
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rebatir algo
the symptoms
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los síntomas
the attention disorder
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el trastorno de atención
the deterioration
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el deterioro
in a gentle way
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de una manera leve
the support
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el apoyo
influence sb
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influir EN alguien
sb similar
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el sementaje
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the flexibility
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la flexibilidad
a long etcetera
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un largo etcétera
the sensoral stimuli
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los estímulos sensoriales
the meticulousness
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la meticulosidad
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the cognitive therapy
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la terapia conductual
play an important role
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desempeñar un papel importantísimo
the approach
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el enfoque
tackle a treatment
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abordar un tratamiento
include sb
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incluir A alguien
with an aim to
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con el objetivo de
the social inclusion
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la inclusión social
up to this date
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hasta la fecha
triggering factors
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factores desencadenantes
show scientifically
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demostrar científicamente
the uncountable number of
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la infinidad de
the content
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el contenido
whether or not
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lo sea o no lo sea
the disclosure
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la divulgación
the average citizen
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el ciudadano de a pie
the veracity
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la veracidad
the common sense
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el sentido común
the serenity
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la serenidad
the unfounded news
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las noticias sin fundamento
the fake news
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el bulo
take place in
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tener lugar en
the subject of investigation
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el sujeto de la investigación
the irregularity
Lernen beginnen
la irregularidad
discourage from
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disuadir DE algo
links of interest
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los enlaces de interes
set aside
Lernen beginnen

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