Extremely simplified grammar - Өте жеңілдетілген грамматика

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Additionally, there is a distinction in Kazakh with the 2nd person, ‘сіз’ for formal, and ‘сен’ for informal address.
Жекеше/Көпше: Cіз/Сіздер
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This may be an indication of status, as well as respect for age.
Singular/Plural: You/You (formal address)
Interrogative Forms
Айдана сабақ оқыды ма?
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Interrogatives are formed with the particle [ма]. The particle [ма] will typically sit at the end of a sentence. The suffix [ма] has the following forms: • ma/me; • ba/be; • pa/pe.
Did Aidana study the lesson?
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Kazakh tenses are formed by adding a particular suffix to indicate the temporal location (i. e past, present, future).
Present Continuous Tense - Нақ Осы Шақ
Айдана кітап оқып жатыр.
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It is formed using a main verb and one of four auxiliary verbs: отыру (sit), жату (lie down), тұру (stand) and жүру (walk) and the copular personal endings for agreement.
Aidana is reading a book.
Simple Future Tense
Мен ертең сурет саламын.
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It has the identical surface form as the present simple tense. The simple future tense is generally understood as being a future action based on context or supporting temporal adverbs such as ертең (tomorrow).
Tomorrow, I will paint a picture.
Degrees of Comparison
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Kazakh has comparative and superlative degrees of comparison.
What vocabulary to learn?
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Learn by heart the words, useful nouns, adjectives, verbs, pronouns, propositions from the Kazakh in 1 day and Kazakh: day 2 courses. Use them for building well-structured sentences. Don't be afraid, start speaking! Good Luck!
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