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she persuaded(przekonac) him to book tickets
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she got him to book tickets
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is visited by
you must show your passport at check in desk
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you must show your passport at check in desk
he insisted that she fasten her seatbelt
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he made her fasten seatbelt
they asked paul to drive them to the airport
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they had paul drive them to the airport
they belive he has left the country
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it is believed that he had left the country
the boys’ mother is packing their clothes for them
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the boys are having their clothes packed
nie ma wątpliwości,
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there is no doubt
otrzymywać informacje o podróży
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receive information on journey
być uzyskanym
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be obtain
został wypatrzony przez swojego przyjaciela
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he was seen off by his friend
być poinformowanym
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be adviced
szkoda / krzywda
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