How to win friends 1.2

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. to make someone feel that they are going to vomit
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it nauseated an entire nation
to make people understand what you mean without saying it directly
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Years later she intimated that President's death had been due to mental anxiety
a pigeon that is able to find its way home over long distances
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home pigeon
Let's realize that criticisms are like homing pigeons.
very eager to argue or fight with people
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he ridiculed a vain, pugnacious politician
to thrash or beat
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Lincoln lammed him through an anonymous letter
feelings of anger and surprise because you feel insulted or unfairly treated;
Pol. oburzenie
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indignation (at sth /sb)
Shields, sensitive and proud, boiled with indignation
vivid in shocking detail, sensational
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. lurid
That was the most lurid personal incident in Lincoln's life
to walk first in one direction and then in another many times, especially because you are nervous
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(the floor)
Lincoln was pacing the floor in despair.
if you are criticizing sb or sth very severely you are doing it _____
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Half the nation savagely condemned these incompetent generals
to cover something with a lot of water [= flood
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storm clouds deluged the country with rain
Pol. wyzwać kogoś na pojedynek
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challenge sb to a duel
he challenged him to fight a duel.
a road, path, or area that is _____ is impossible to travel along or through
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he found a swollen, impassable river in front of him
a sudden, large increase in a feeling
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So, with a surge of high hope, Lincoln ordered Meade not to call a council of war
if you say or refuse something _____, you do it directly and without trying to explain your reasons
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. He refused point-blank to attack Lee
informal to overcome or outdo
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I could have whipped him myself
if an action, suggestion, plan etc _____ something bad, it has the same effect or is almost as bad;
Pol. być równoznacznym z x3
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is tantamount to
So this letter coming from Lincoln in 1863 was tantamount to the severest rebuke.
the act of speaking angrily to someone because you disapprove of what they have said or done, or the things that someone says to show disapproval like this:
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the severest rebuke.
a loud high sound made because you are frightened, excited, angry [= scream]
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the shrieks of the wounded and dying,
not having courage or confidence [= shy]
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Meade's timid temperament
used to say that what happened in the past should be forgotten
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it's water under the bridge
Anyhow, it is water under the bridge now.
to damage something or make it not as good as it should be;
Pol. osłabić
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It will impair all his further usefulness as a commander

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