idiomy o ludziach 2

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Frage American English Antworten American English
to be lost in a daydream
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to be in a world of ones own
a good person with an abrupt manner
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a rough diamond
always say exactly what they think without trying to be diplomatic
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neve mince the words
behaves in a way that does not help her
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her own worst enemy
is not influenced by others
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is very much his own person
can easuly be persuaded
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is a soft touch
somoene who hides their skills
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a dark horse
gain a full understanding of
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get the measure of
feel lost or confused
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be/feel all at sea
feel terribly ashamed and embarrassed
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want to curl up and die
make you feel sick
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turn your stomach
not know what to say
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to be at a complete loss for words
feel unable to deal with something because you are too tired, worried or annoyed
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be at the end of ypur tether
be full of energy
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be full of beans
make someone angry or mad
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drive someone crazy/ round the bend/ nuts
feel exausted
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be dead on ones feet
pretend to be happy abt something
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put a brave face on it
react extremely angrily
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go ballistic/ blow a fuse/ hit the roof/ceiling
disagreed strongly
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been at loggerheads
negative feelings, disagreements
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bad blood
can persuade him to do anything for her bacause she has so much control over him
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twist/wrap someone around your little finger/have someone eating out of the palm of her hand
someone who pretends to be friendly but may do things that will hatm you
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to be a snake in the grass
irritating me without intending to
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rubbing me up the wrong way
believes good rather than bad abt someone
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give the benefit of the doubt

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