Idiomy zasrane

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clear the air
Lernen beginnen
remove suspicion
all along
Lernen beginnen
from the beginning
all but
Lernen beginnen
nearly, almost
all in
Lernen beginnen
all in all
Lernen beginnen
when everything is consedered
all the same
Lernen beginnen
yet, however
be the apple of sb's eye
Lernen beginnen
be very precious to sb
be up in arms
Lernen beginnen
be very angry
for all
Lernen beginnen
in spite of
for all I care
Lernen beginnen
I don't care
for all I know
Lernen beginnen
as far as I know
in the act of
Lernen beginnen
while performing the act
in the air
Lernen beginnen
make allowances for
Lernen beginnen
take special circumstances into consideration
make amens for
Lernen beginnen
try to compensate for a past action
of all people
Lernen beginnen
used to express annoyance
on account of
Lernen beginnen
because of
on th air
Lernen beginnen
on the alert
Lernen beginnen
watchful and prepared
take sth into account
Lernen beginnen
consider sth
on that account
Lernen beginnen
for this reason
whet sb's appetite
Lernen beginnen
make sb eager to have
up in the air
Lernen beginnen
existing, but not talked about
above board
Lernen beginnen
bark up the wrong tree
Lernen beginnen
have a false idea about sth
be broke
Lernen beginnen
have little money
be full of beans
Lernen beginnen
be very lively
be in sb's black books
Lernen beginnen
out of favour
beat about
Lernen beginnen
avoid saying what one means directly
behind bars
Lernen beginnen
in prison
Lernen beginnen
conceited, expressively proud
black and blue all over
Lernen beginnen
covered with bruises
blessing in disguise
Lernen beginnen
sth which appears bad at first
blue-eyed boy
Lernen beginnen
a favoured person
bolt from the blue
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
sudden clear idea
break even
Lernen beginnen
show neither loss nor profit
browned off
Lernen beginnen
fed up
butter sb up
Lernen beginnen
flatter sb
by and large
Lernen beginnen
generally speaking
catch sb red-handed
Lernen beginnen
be caught while commiting a crime
chip of the old block
Lernen beginnen
sb who is very like one of his parents
cost a bomb
Lernen beginnen
very expensive
deal a blow to
Lernen beginnen
damage one's hopes
don't hold your breath
Lernen beginnen
don't wait for sb
drive a hard bargain
Lernen beginnen
be a tough businessman
drop a brick
Lernen beginnen
say sth tactlessly
feel in one's bones
Lernen beginnen
feeling sth instinctively
get your own back
Lernen beginnen
take revenge
have a bee in one's bonnet
Lernen beginnen
have an obsession about sth
have butterflies in one's stomach
Lernen beginnen
be very nervous about sth
in black and white
Lernen beginnen
in writing
in the balance
Lernen beginnen
kick the bucket
Lernen beginnen
lay bare
Lernen beginnen
make public
make a clean breast of
Lernen beginnen
make one's blood boil
Lernen beginnen
cause sb to become very angry
on the spur the moment
Lernen beginnen
without thinking about sth
out of the blue
Lernen beginnen
suddenly and unexpectedly
ring a bell
Lernen beginnen
remind of sth
see the back of
Lernen beginnen
be glad to see sb leave
take the bull by the horns
Lernen beginnen
deal with sth boldly and directly
wet blanket
Lernen beginnen
dull person who spoils people's happines
a piece of cake
Lernen beginnen
sth very easy to do
a red-letter day
Lernen beginnen
a very important day
a wild-goose chase
Lernen beginnen
a hopeless search
be caught red-handed
Lernen beginnen
be caught while committing a crime
be on the cards
Lernen beginnen
be likely to happen
be over the moon
Lernen beginnen
be elated
call sb names
Lernen beginnen
insult sb
chair a meeting
Lernen beginnen
preside over a meeting
crocodile tears
Lernen beginnen
false tears
cross one's mind
Lernen beginnen
think of sth
cut sb dead
Lernen beginnen
ignore sb
different as chalk and cheese
Lernen beginnen
totally different
down in the dumps
Lernen beginnen
down the drain
Lernen beginnen
get a bit hot under the collar
Lernen beginnen
get angry, upset or embarassed
get a problem off one's chest
Lernen beginnen
tell sb else about your problem
go to the dogs
Lernen beginnen
have the cheek
Lernen beginnen
dare to do sth
keep one's chin up
Lernen beginnen
not be discouraged
let sleeping dogs lie
Lernen beginnen
avoid sensitive topic
lost cause
Lernen beginnen
hopeless situation or case

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