It's a secret

 0    14 Datenblatt    karolinamilewska2
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Frage Antworten
zdradzić sekret
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let the cat out of the bag
wygadać się
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spill the beans
If you spilled the beans, our friendship would be over.
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off the record
Everything that was said today is off the record.
trzymaj język za zębami
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hold your tongue
Hold your tongue unless you want to be in trouble.
moje usta są zamknięte (nie zdradzę tajemnicy)
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my lips are sealed
Don't worry! I won't reveal your secret. My lips are sealed.
to zależy od
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it depends on
Byłem lunatykiem
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I was a sleepwalker
ani mru-mru
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mum's the word
I'm preparing a birthday party for John and he can't know about that so mum's the word.
przypadkowo wyjawić coś
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let (something) slip
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godny zaufania
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l trust Anna. she is a really trustworthy person.
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Lernen beginnen
powierzać komuś tajemnicę
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confide a secret to someone
Nick's always been my best friend. I can confide all my secrets to her.

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