Leaf bay II

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pragnąć wiedzy
Lernen beginnen
to thirst for knowledge
zapał do wiedzy
Lernen beginnen
zeal for knowledge
być geniuszem w czymś
Lernen beginnen
to be a genius for sth
It was such a brilliant idea - a real stroke of genius.
błysk geniuszu
Lernen beginnen
stroke of genius
być pochłoniętym studiowaniem
Lernen beginnen
to be given to study
Lernen beginnen
to swot
She's at home, swotting up on her maths.
przebrnąć chemię
Lernen beginnen
to scrap through in chemistry
Lernen beginnen
to scrape through
skrobać, zeskrobywać
Lernen beginnen
to scrape
The next morning I had to scrape the ice off the car.
wywalczyć zwycięstwo/remis/zaliczenie
Lernen beginnen
scrape a win/draw/pass
z trudem poradzić sobie
Lernen beginnen
scrape by
Since John lost his job, we've had to scrape by on what's left of our savings. When I was in college, I scraped by on what I could earn as a part-time line cook.
uzbierać coś, uciułać coś
Lernen beginnen
scrape sth together
I scraped together all the bits of broken glass from the lamp that had fallen on the ground. I managed to scrape together enough cash to get a bus out to Vancouver to see my girlfriend this weekend.
zeskrobać czyms ostrym narzedziem
Lernen beginnen
scrape away
He used a putty knife to scrape away the old paint from the wall. Stop scraping the scab away or you'll end up with a scar!
być zmuszonym do zatrudnienia horszego sortu z barku innej mozliwośći
Lernen beginnen
scrape the barrel
We used to get hundreds of qualified candidates, but lately I feel like we've been scraping the barrel with the applicants we bring in Sorry, the selection was already picked through, so I really had to scrape the barrel even to find those.
być daleko w tyle za resztą klasy
Lernen beginnen
to be a long way behind the rest of the class
zostać zawieszonym
Lernen beginnen
to be suspended
kiepski belfer
Lernen beginnen
poor teacher
łagodny nauczyciel
Lernen beginnen
lenient teacher
łagodny wyrok
Lernen beginnen
lenient sentence
uświadomić komuś coś
Lernen beginnen
to raise sb's awareness of sth
dobrze wychowany
Lernen beginnen
well brought up
o słabej woli
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Lernen beginnen
I spent the whole night reminiscing with Andrew about our times together in college. If you two are finished reminiscing with one, it's high time we got some work done! I spent the whole night reminiscing with Andrew about our times together in college.
przypomina sb / sth
W ogromnym stopniu przypominają one zachowanie państw kolonialnych.
Lernen beginnen
reminiscent of sb/sth
It is very much reminiscent of the behaviour of colonial states.
gadać bzdury
Lernen beginnen
The crazed man was gabbling about spaceships and aliens. He gabbled something in Italian.
Lernen beginnen
nieskuteczny bezowocny
Lernen beginnen
futile babble. Attempts to swim across the stormy channel were futile.
Lernen beginnen
Realizing the futility of their plan, the team gave up. Realizing the futility of their plan, the team gave up. Realizing the futility of their plan, the team gave up.

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