Lesson 7 09/12/2020

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In spite of all their haste, they didn’t have time to finish.
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pośpiech; great speed
weather forecast
Have you heard today's weather forecast?
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prognoza pogody; a statement of what the weather is likely to be for the next day or few days, usually broadcast on television or radio or printed in a newspaper
All night long fireworks soared into the sky
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rosnąć, wznosić się; to rise very quickly to a high level
I read your letter with great delight.
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ozkosz; great pleasure, satisfaction, or happiness
Her parents carried out their threat to take away her mobile phone if her grades didn't improve.
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zagrożenie; a suggestion that something unpleasant or violent will happen, especially if a particular action or order is not followed
global warming
The destruction of the rainforests is contributing to global warming.
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globalne ocieplenie; a gradual increase in world temperatures caused by gases such as carbon dioxide that are collecting in the air around the earth and stopping heat escaping into space
He hopes school officials will continue to work earnestly to ensure the rights of their minority students.
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usilnie; in a serious and determined way, often without humour
a spell of dry weather
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krótki okres czasu; a short period of a particular type of weather
How do you manage to work in this heat without air conditioning?
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upał; the quality of being hot or warm, or the temperature of something
The consequences of this heatwave for our countries and their populations have been appalling.
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fala upałów; a period of time such as a few weeks when the weather is much hotter than usual
She keeps a little money in reserve.
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rezerwa; the act of keeping something or a supply of something until it is needed, or a supply that you keep
There's something intrinsically wrong with taking advantage of children.
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wewnętrznie; in a way that is an extremely important and basic characteristic of a person or thing
The new ramp will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs.
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ułatwiać; to make something possible or easier
She has the most peculiar ideas.
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osobliwy, specyficzny, dziwny; unusual and strange, sometimes in an unpleasant way
I was having such a good time I was reluctant to leave.
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niechętny; not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it
wrzący; very hot
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wrzący; very hot
She let the gentle breeze cool her face.
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wietrzyk; a light and pleasant wind
I felt a bit chilly so I put on a jacket.
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zimno/chłodno; cold
cool weather
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chłodno; slightly cold
This shirt still feels a bit damp
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wilgotny; slightly wet, especially in a way that is not pleasant or comfortable
Tomorrow will be cloudy with outbreaks of rain and drizzle.
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mżawka; rain in very small, light drops
It's freezing in here - can I close the window?
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lodowato; extremely cold
New York is very hot and humid in the summer.
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wilgotnie; containing extremely small drops of water in the air
He has suffered a mild heart attack - nothing too serious.
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łagodny; not violent, severe, or extreme
You’d better take an umbrella – it’s pouring out there.
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ulewa; it is raining heavily
You're soaked! Did you get caught in the shower?
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przelotny deszcz; a short period of rain or snow
I put my hands in my pockets to keep them warm.
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ciepły; having or producing a comfortably high temperature, although not hot
It took several hours for the fog to lift.
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mgła; a weather condition in which very small drops of water come together to form a thick cloud close to the land or sea, making it difficult to see
The mountain villages seem to be permanently shrouded in mist.
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mgiełka; thin fog produced by very small drops of water collecting in the air just above an area of ground or water
As we flew into the airport, we could see a murky yellow smog hovering over the city.
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smog; a mixture of smoke, gases, and chemicals, especially in cities, that makes the atmosphere difficult to breathe and harmful for health
We once got stuck in a blizzard for six hours.
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zamieć; a severe snow storm with strong winds
This year (a) severe drought has ruined the crops.
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susza; a long period when there is little or no rain
Our washing machine broke down yesterday and flooded the kitchen.
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powódź; to cause to fill or become covered with water, especially in a way that causes problems
There will be widespread showers of rain, hail and sleet.
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grad; small, hard balls of ice that fall from the sky like rain
The state of Florida was hit by a hurricane that did serious damage.
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huragan; a violent wind that has a circular movement, especially in the West Atlantic Ocean
That tree was struck by lightning.
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błyskawica; a flash of bright light in the sky that is produced by electricity moving between clouds or from clouds to the ground
The failure of the monsoon would destroy harvests on which a billion people rely.
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monsun; the season of heavy rain during the summer in hot Asian countries
There was a clap of thunder and then it started to pour with rain.
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grzmot; the sudden loud noise that comes from the sky especially during a storm
The weather in Britain is notoriously changeable.
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niestały; often changing
He fell into the icy waters of the Moscow river.
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bardzo zimny, pokryty lodem; extremely cold
It looks as if we are in for a settled spell this week.
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niezmienna; Settled weather is calm and unlikely to change
Thick, black smoke was pouring out of the chimney.
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gęsty/gruby; difficult to see through

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