Lesson - Black Friday is Coming!

 0    17 Datenblatt    jessehandley
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Frage Antworten
negative connotation
Everyone knows that black has a negative connotation.
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the bad feeling or emotion that is connected to a word.
to refer to somebody / something
The report referred to the employees performance of the past quarter.
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talk about something/someone or mention them
falls on a Friday
Christmas falls on a Tuesday this year.
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an event happens on a different day of the week every year
be in the red
Last month I spent all the money in my account and was in the red.
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spending more money than you earn
be in the black
This month I made a budget and now I'm thankfully in the black...
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being financially solvent or profitable, or sometimes more generally, just not in debt.
the story behind something
What is the story behind this new couch?
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the origin
to coin
My friend likes to coin his own phrases but I don't know what he's talking about.
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invent (a new word or phrase)
We should really keep track of absenteeism in our company.
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the practice of regularly staying away from work or school without good reason.
Last quarter was very profitable for us.
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yielding profit or financial gain
concrete evidence
There is no concrete evidence that her story is true.
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real, tangible
show up, appear
He didn't show up for the team building exercise because his car broke down.
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arrive or turn up for an appointment or gathering
to rip off
I was ripped off at that store. They are known for ripping off their customers. That price is a rip off!
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to cheat someone, especially by charging them too much money for something
to splash out
On vacation I splashed out because you only live once!
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to spend a lot of money, often in an extravagant manner
dip into your savings
That unplanned expense forced me to dip into my savings to pay for it.
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to take some money from an amount that you have saved, especially when you should not
to pay through the nose for something
I was at the airport and I paid through the nose for a bottle of water.
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to pay too much for something
to cut back on something
I have to cut back on my holiday shopping because I'm way past budget.
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to spend less, do less, or use less of something
I'm a savvy shopper when it comes to electronics.
Lernen beginnen
having or showing practical knowledge and experience

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