Lesson - Calories on Menus

 0    8 Datenblatt    jessehandley
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I used to drink beer all the time when I was younger, but around the age of 25 I stopped because I suddenly realised how fattening it is.
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likely to make you gain weight
I always have a good breakfast as I wake up with a huge appetite, but I never really feel hungry in the evening.
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your desire for food
I find it really helps to buy low-carb foods like wholewheat bread and wild or brown rice as they really fill you up and are much healthier.
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containing few elements such as sugar or starch which give the body energy
I used to eat a bacon sandwich every morning before I went to work. I still love them, but I had to stop because they contain too much cholesterol.
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a fat-like substance found in the body which can cause heart problems and other issues
I’m quite careful about what I eat and always read the nutritional information on the packet before I buy anything.
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giving the vitamins and energy needed to live healthily
I don’t have rich foods like cheese or ice-cream in the evening any more as I find it really hard to digest and I always wake up sweating in the night.
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to change what you eat from a type of food to energy for your body
My doctor said I needed more fibre in my diet so I started eating a lot more raw vegetables and bran.
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the element within some foods which helps you process food and keep your body working healthily
I tried to just eat salad during the day, but it just wasn’t very filling so I kept snacking on chocolate which ruined my diet.
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making you feel satisfied and your stomach full

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