Lesson - Happy New Year!

 0    17 Datenblatt    jessehandley
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She tossed him the keys.
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throw casually
The sound of a chime inside the house could be heard.
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the sound that a bell makes
Could you give me the recipe for that dough?
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a mixture of flour and liquid, used for baking bread
Many people are selling their livestock and moving to the city.
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farm animals
I always wanted to be in control of my fate.
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destiny, things that develop in the future which are outside of your control
The time of prosperity is going to end soon.
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success and economic well-being
ward off
I tried different remedies to ward off a cold.
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prevent something bad from happening
a display of beautifully hand-painted crockery on the kitchen countertop
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dishes, cups, and similar items made of porcelain
polka dots
Ling wore a one-shoulder red dress with silver and black flowers, silver metallic polka dots and a floral embellishment on the shoulder.
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large round dots forming a pattern or an item of clothing with this pattern
turn over a new leaf
Paul has made a lot of mistakes in his life this year. So he has decided to turn over a new leaf from January 1
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start changing your behavior or habits for the better
ring in the New Year
We are planning a big party to ring in the New Year
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celebrate the beginning of the New Year
whale of a time
We had a whale of a time on New Year’s Eve
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an exciting and enjoyable time
start off with a bang
The New Year started off with a bang
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began with a lot of excitement
start with a clean slate
Instead of making resolutions, why not start the New Year with a clean slate
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ignore the past and start again
tempt fate
In Romania, if you don’t throw money into a river on New Year’s Day, you will tempt fate
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cause bad luck for yourself
look back on
When I look back on the year, I think it was a pretty good one.
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remember or think about something
make up for lost time
I haven’t traveled much this year, so next year I’m going to make up for lost time.
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spend a lot of time doing something because you did not have the opportunity to do it before

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