Lesson - Office Speak

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Lernen beginnen
great respect and approval for someone
Lernen beginnen
a work of art (writing, music, film, etc.) which intentionally copies and exaggerates the style of someone famous or a particular situation for comic effect
Lernen beginnen
a comment that is not original and not interesting because it is used so often
Lernen beginnen
the sudden and rapid spread of something
Lernen beginnen
to invent (a new word or expression)
Lernen beginnen
to write something in a hurry and without taking care
Lernen beginnen
the effect that something has on a situation or person
Lernen beginnen
involving a lot of sitting and little exercise or physical activity
Lernen beginnen
technical or special words and phrases used by particular groups of people, especially in their work (usually disapproving)
Lernen beginnen
boring or annoying
Think outside the box
Lernen beginnen
look at things from a new perspective
It’s not rocket science
Lernen beginnen
it’s not difficult to understand
Let’s touch base
Lernen beginnen
let’s keep in contact
Swallow the frog
Lernen beginnen
do the most unpleasant task first
Push the needle
Lernen beginnen
take things to the next level
Shoot the puppy
Lernen beginnen
make a brutal decision
catchphrase, catchline, catchword, jingle, saying, formula, legend, motto
Lernen beginnen
hasło, hasło, hasło, dźwięczenie, powiedzenie, formuła, legenda, motto
overused / underused
Lernen beginnen
nadużywane / niedostatecznie wykorzystywane
Lernen beginnen
executive, upper management
Lernen beginnen
tedious, boring
Lernen beginnen
nużący, nudny

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