Lesson - Phrasal Verbs in Business

 0    18 Datenblatt    jessehandley
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eagerly waiting for
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looking forward to
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cutting down
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go over
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sum up
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put forward
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handed out
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lay off
make contact with
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get on to
get out
I’ve been stuck in the office all day. I wish I could get out for 30 minutes
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leave, escape
get down to
I’ve got lots of work to do. I need to get down to it
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begin to do something
get away with
Jackie never seems to do much work. I don’t know how she gets away with it
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escape blame or punishment
come up with
Joanne always tries to come up with great ideas at meetings. Unfortunately, nobody likes them.
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think of or produce (an idea, solution, etc.)
pull out of
In the end, they decided to pull out of the deal. It wasn’t a favourable agreement.
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withdraw from
knock of
There isn’t much work to do. I think I’ll knock off early
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leave work to go home
stand out
Our new product will really make us stand out in the market.
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be noticeable
slack off
Karl tends to slack off in the afternoon. He doesn’t have much energy late in the day
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work less hard than usual
go under
If we can’t survive the financial crisis, we are likely to go under.
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go bankrupt
fall through
Bad news. It looks like the deal is going to fall through
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