literature WYK

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revenge tragedy
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genre in which the principal theme is revenge and revenge's fatal consequences.
university wits
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group of playwrights and pamphleteers who attended universities
cavalier poets
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school of poets who supported King Charles 1 during Civil War
metaphysical poets
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a group of poets who produced highly intellectualized poetry. Leader: John Donne
tottels miscellany
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the first printed anthology of english poetry
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a comic often anonymous tales written by jongleurs in France
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song that tells a story
chivalric romance
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literary genre of high culture. It featured characterisrics like heroes, chivalric knights, empathsize love and manners, quests. Popular in medieval periods
alliterative revival
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resurgence of poetry using the alliterative verse form in Middle English. The Vision of Piers Plowman, The Pearl, Sir Gawain
benedictine revival
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the reform in english church. the reformers replaced often married clergy with celibate contemplative monks
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body of wellborn men attached to a king or chieftain by the duty of military service
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gathering place for the warriors of the Anglo-Saxon culture
the enlightement
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movement of the 18 century that stressed the belief of science and logic give people more knowledge than tradition and religion
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is characterized by a self-conscious break with traditional ways of writing, and often also blended imagery and themes, absurdism and nonlinear narratives. Example: James Joyce’s Ulysses
poet laureate
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a poet officially apointed by monarch to receive formal recognition of their work

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