los Okupas

 0    27 Datenblatt    willowfoot
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the social plague
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la lacra social
the average person
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la persona de a pie
the rich housing
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las viviendas de lujo
start the eviction
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proceder el desalojo
without the need to
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sin necesidad de
the court order
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la orden judicial
place complaint in court
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poner una denuncia en el juzgado
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be given back to somebody
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ser devuelto a alguien
the harassment
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el acoso
opt for
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optar por
pay out
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the boom of
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el auge de
the law of eviction
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la ley de desahucio
within months
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un plazo de meses
prevent the entry
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impedir el paso a
to make uncomfortable
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incomodar a alguien
control the problem
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reprimir el problema
the ally
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el aliado
Every cloud has a silver lining
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No hay mal que por bien no venga
the coastal areas
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las zonas costeras
spend the summer
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percatarse de algo
for fear of repercussions
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por miedo a represalias
the main issue
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la cuestión de fondo
the will
Lernen beginnen
la voluntad
the transgression
Lernen beginnen
la transgresión de

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