Means of transport in Ukrainian

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means of transport
Lernen beginnen
транспортні засоби (ч. р. мн.)
Lernen beginnen
автобус (ч. р.)
Lernen beginnen
поїзд (ч. р.)
Lernen beginnen
трамвай (ч. р.)
Lernen beginnen
автомобіль (ч. р.)
Lernen beginnen
корабель (ч. р.)
Lernen beginnen
велосипед (ч. р.)
Lernen beginnen
мотоцикл (ч. р.)
Lernen beginnen
таксі (с. р.)
Lernen beginnen
літак (ч. р.)

Study Means of transport in Ukrainian

Improve your vocabulary in Ukrainian and start with Means of transport! VocApp uses the multisensory flashcards to teach you Means of transport in Ukrainian in the shortest time possible! Audio recordings help you get the right |correct pronunciation of a given word, and images will get Means of transport in Ukrainian into one's head for good! Did you know the spelling of Means of transport in Ukrainian too? You will get the answer in our lesson Means of transport in Ukrainian and learn other flashcardsin Ukrainian!

Motivation to study Ukrainian

Learning Ukrainian will broaden your social circle and simply make you smarter! Furthermore you will get to impress your friends by speaking in Ukrainian! If that's not enough for you, think about it as a challenge or Learning a new language is surely not so common. You could reach a considerable result "almost" alone!

How to learn Ukrainian easily

Our language learning application will take care of your vocabulary in Ukrainian by scheduling repetitions of the words in Ukrainian you did not know making you remember more in less time.

Learn Ukrainian fast and efficiently!

If you feel awkward while speaking in Ukrainian, you might want to take a look at our resources and gain the confidence by learning Ukrainian language on a daily basis!

Other lessons in Ukrainian for you

Do not forget to take a look to other courses in Ukrainian and try our many other courses about Ukrainian too. You should start with Means of transport in Ukrainian at this very moment!

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