Modulo 11 - Unit 7 - Your choice

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mucho donde elegir
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spoilt for choice
escoge y elige
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pick and choose
decisión difícil
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tough choice
establecerse en
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settle in
sentimental, sensiblero, sentimentaloide (informal)
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soppy (informal)
prefiero / prefiero®
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prefer to / rather
los mendigos no pueden ser elegidos
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beggars can't be choosers
Prefiero(p) que ella enseñe en una escuela
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I'd prefer her to teach in a school
Estoy seguro de que preferiría(r) que fueras honesto con ella
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I'm sure she'd rather you were honest with her
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make up your mind
elige tu opción
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take your pick
Expr: difficult but interesting and enjoyable - Eso será un reto-
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That would be challenging
Expr: It's clear I can do only one thing - Tengo la sensación de que no tengo otra opción-
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I feel I've got no choice
Expr: chose an alternative from the options - has decidido cual coger?
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Have you decided which one to pick?
Expr: It won't improve the situation at all - esto no va a ayudar lo más mínimo
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It won't help in the slightest
Expr: come to a firm decision - Has hecho tu pensamiento sobre el trabajo?
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Have you made up your mind about the job?
Expr: attractive - el trabajo es tentador
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the job is tempting
huyendo de la policía
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running from the cops
tomar una decisión
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make a choice
ella realmente estaba atrapada entre una roca y un lugar duro.
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she really was caught between a rock and a hard place.
Expr: to be force into a particular decision - no tener opción
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to have no choice
to do the correct thing - tomar la decisió correcta
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to make the right choice
Expr: to be able to choose anything you want - tener tu elección de algo
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to have your pick of something
Expr: to be in a situation where both alternative are equally bad - ser cogido entre la roca y un lugar dificil
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to be caught between a rock and a hard place
Expr: to take everything into account - medir arriba todas las opciones
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to weigh up all the options
Expr: not to be able to decide one way or the other - estar entre dos ideas sobre algo
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to be in two minds about something
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escuela financiada por el estado
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state-funded school
tablas de suelo, tarima
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ventana de Bahia, ventanal
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bay window
chimenea abierta
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open fireplace
Vitral, vidriera, vidrios
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stained glass
hacer trabajo (en una casa)
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do work (on a house)
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reducir a...
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to boil down to...
hacer un compromiso
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make a compromise
alta cocina, buena comida, alta gastronomía
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fine dining
bares de cócteles
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cocktail bars
fiestas en la piscina
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pool parties
bebidas en abundancia
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drinks galore
lugares de fiesta
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partying spots
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rechinar del parqué/tarima
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creaky floorboards
para marcar todas las casillas
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to tick all the boxes
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tomar una decisión apresurada
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make a hasty decision

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