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stingy / tight- fisted / mean / miserly (negative)
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Jarek is very stingy - he doesn't like to spend money. Robert, stop being so tight-fisted and buy me this perfume! He won't buy you an expensive present because he's too mean.
stubborn / obstinate / pig-headed (negative)
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Piotr is so stubborn that he just never listens.
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gospodarny, oszczedny (pozytywnie). My sister taught me to be thrifty.
self-important /arrogant / full of oneself (negative)
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posiadający wysokie mniemanie o sobie, zarozumialy Our professor was very self-important.
unconventional / original (positive)
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He was the original author of this song.
self-assured / confident (positive)
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He is always so confident about his future. I'm confident of your success.
frank/direct/open (szczery, bezposredni, otwarty) (positive)
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To be frank, I don't think you have much chance of winning. I am a direct person. I always say what I think.
szczery w sensie bezceremonialny, szorstki, obcesowy (w negatywnym sensie szczery)
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blunt / abrupt / brusque / curt (negative)
bez zasad, poblazliwy
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unprincipled / permissive (negative)
I'm not worried, my parents are permissive.
tolerancyjny, o szerokich horyzontach, o otwartym umyśle, liberalny
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broad - minded (positive) willing to accept other people's behaviour and beliefs, especially sexual behaviour
ciekawski, dociekajacy (positive)
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inquiring (positive)
wscibski, zbyt ciekawski
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inquisitive / nosy (negative) Agnieszkas inquisitive nature sometimes gets other colleagues into a lot of trouble.
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She would never do anything stupid. in other word, she's very practical and down-to-earth.
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He gets very upsed if he feels people are criticising him.
tense / wound up / stressed out
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I felt very tense after reading that article about retirement system in Poland.
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enjoys others company
quarrel / argument
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an angry disagreement between two or more people or groups
They had a bitter quarrel about/over some money three years ago and they haven't spoken to each other since.
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quarrelsome / argumentative
My sister is quarrelsome.
eccentric / odd / peculiar / weird (negative)
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stary dziwaczny, przeciwienstwo to unconventional
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rude / impolite
easy-going / laid-back / even tempered
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easy-going / laid-back / even tempered
Robert is relaxed in attitude to self and others. He's is easy going.
relaxed in attitude to self and others
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The waitress was courteous, so we gave her a generous tip.
eccentric / odd / peculiar / weird (negative)
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eccentric / odd / peculiar / weird (negative)
Salvador Dali was eccentric.
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Able to do things yourself without depending on other people.
I'm self-reliant person. I don't need to ask for a help at work.
natretny, nachalny
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Pushy salesmen really get on my nerves.
pod wplywem stresu
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under (a lot of) stress/pressure
symptom, objaw stresu
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stress symptom, the symptom
the sign that someone is under stress
the symptom od stress
zniwa, skutki stresu
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stress toll
total amount of damage coused by stress
zarzadzanie stresem
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stress management
a way od dealing with stress
napiete grafiki
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heavy workloads
to much to do in limited time available
niejednoznaczne stanowisko pracy
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role ambiguity
responsibilities are unclear
Role ambiguity arises when the definition of the person's job is vague or ill defined.
brak wsparcia w zarządzaniu
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lack of management support
managers do not provide the necessary help to provide
z powodu czegoś
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due to
Many commuters were late today due to an accident.
zachodzić na siebie, nakładać się na siebie (np. obowiazki, materiał, krawędzie), kolidowac
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overlap (e.g. material, edges, duties)
Some homeworkers complain that there is no boundary between work on the one hand and personal life on the other - the two overlap.
niedostateczne wynagradzanie za prace
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efford-reward imbalance
not getting sufficient recognition or pay
nocna zmiana
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night shift
My sister is a hardworker. She works day shifts and night shifts.
redukcja biegu, podejmowanie się mniej wymagających zobowiązań w celu utrzymania zdrowego stylu życia
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downshifting / rebalancing
I think that downshifting life is better way of living than being workaholic. It's better for your health.
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out of contact with other people
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premarital sex
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The mother's commitment saved the life of her baby.
cecha charakteru
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Whatever trait tonight's woman was missing that's the one you decided is the most important trait in a woman.
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Missing tile is the way we undermine our hapiness - by concentating on the missing tiles every one of us has.
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socks, bra, pants are undergarments.
byc przygnebionym
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feel down
I feel down when I have to do sth I don't want to.
dokonanie, osiągnięcie
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sth that has been done successfully
Defeating her would be no great accomplishment.
zraniony, ranny (zwykle za pomocą broni, np. noża lub pistoletu)
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wounded, injured (usually by means of weapons, for example. knife or gun)
He was badly wounded.
przytlaczajacy, nieprzeparty (np. uczucie, wrażenie)
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overwhelming, irresistible
I feld an overwhelming amount of joy in my life when I was at the concert.
pokrywka, wieczko
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lid, the lid
Use a lid when boiling a pot of water.
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pressure cooker
egzamin wstepny
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competitive entry
You can only get into a grammar school by competitive entry.

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