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zbyt drogi /o zawyżonej cenie
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robić zakupy
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to do shopping
to go shopping / do some/my shopping. Robic duze zakupy - big-shopping
dostosowywac, dopasowywac
to change something to make it suitable for a particular person or purpose
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customise (kasto majz)
Did you customise/ personalise the card? Our language courses are customised to each student.
pozbyc sie mysli z glowy
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get sb/sth out of my mind
I can't get him out of my mind
wyglądać jak zmokła kura; być przemokniętym
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be soaked, look like a drowned rat
draund, sołkt
rozrzutn; ekstrawagancki (dziwaczny)
1. costing too much or spending a lot more money than you need to 2. too unusual and extreme to be believed or controlled
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the extravagant lifestyle of a movie star, [i kstawa gant]
zwiedzanie (rzeczownik)
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go sightseeing - wybrać się na zwiedzanie, sightsee (v) zwiedzać
to throw something
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chuck [czak]
Don't just chuck your coat on the floor! He chucked the paper in a drawer.
to throw something away
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chuck sth away/out
I chucked out all my old clothes. Those old clothes can be chucked away
lać jak z cebra
it’s raining heavily
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it’s chucking it down
sprzeczne interesy/ informacje
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conflicting interests / information
conflict of interests- sprzecznośc interesow
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(Noun) Sarah's only interested in boys, music, and clothes.(Verb) [+ to do sth ] I'd be interested to find out more about the course. [+ in + doing sth ] Mark said he's interested in buying your bike.
bez urazy, nie gniewać się
If you say ' no hard feelings', you are making an agreement with someone not to be angry or bitter about something.
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no hard feelings
It looks like I'm the winner again. No hard feelings, Dave, eh? Someone has to lose. No hard feelings, eh? So I hope you'll move on now, make a fresh start, no hard feelings
na przemian, na przemienny
"co drugi "
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alternate (olternet)
Co drugi (prz) I work alternate Saturdays. A dessert with alternate layers of chocolate and cream.2) występować na przemian(v)Her aggressive moods alternated with gentle or more co-operative states.3) naprzemiennie (jak) alternately
1) nie ostry (noż np) 2) bezceremonialny, bez ogródek- If you are blunt, you say exactly what you think without trying to be polite.
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She is blunt about her personal life.'I don't believe you!' Jeanne said bluntly
operacja laparoskopowa
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keyhole surgery
rzucić sie w wir czegoś
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throw oneself into something
I can throw myself into my course / work/ dating
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throw [froł]
threw[fru], thrown [frołn]
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verb -I dated a Spanish guy rzczownik- randka - I had a date with a Spanish guy
patrzeć przez różowe okulary
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look at through rose-tinted glasses
She's always looked at life through rose-tinted glasses.
opłatek komunijny
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communion wafer [łejfer]
rozczarowanie, zawód [rzeczownik]
an event or experience that causes disappointment because it is less exciting than was expected or because it happens immediately after a much more interesting or exciting event:
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disappointment, anticlimax [antiklajmaks]
When you really look forward to something it's often an anticlimax when it actually happens. Coming home after a trip somewhere is always a bit of an anticlimax. Even when you win a match there's often a sense of anticlimax
resztki jedzeniowe
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We've been eating up the leftovers from the party all week.
1) wybuchnąć z eksplozja/hukiem (samolot, opona) 2) If you blow up at someone, you lose your temper and shout at them.
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blow up
He was jailed for 45 years for trying to blow up a plane. I'm sorry I blew up at you
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be up to
What have you been up to - co porabiałeś What's he up to this time? (Co on kombinuje tym razem?) Joe, what are you up to?
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a pear
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wykluczony, pominięty
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spring chicken
wymsknąć sie/ wyślizgnąć się komuś z ręki
If a remark slips out, you say it without intending to.
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slip out
I didn't mean to tell anyone you were getting married - it just slipped out. I will not slip out your secret, I promise
począć/ zachodzić w ciąze
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conceive [konsiv]
About one in six couples has difficulty conceiving.
wczuć sie w czująś sytuacje, utożsamiać sie z
you understand their situation, problems, and feelings, because you have been in a similar situation.
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empathise with somebody
[empa fajz] I clearly empathise with the people who live in those neighborhoods. It's very easy to empathise with the characters in her books.
osiedle mieszkaniowe
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housing estate
zboczony, perwersyjny
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kuchnia -danego regionu
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cuisine [kłizin]
danie, potrawa
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spadać upadać
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fall (fol)
fell-(fel), fallen (follen)
zawilgocony, wilgotny
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damp [damp]
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stupid, dumb [dam]
zarzarta dyskusja
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heated discussion
ustępować przestawać działąć
If a feeling or the effect of something wears off, it gradually disappears:
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wear off
The drugs I took are wearing off. The feeling of sadness will wear off, I promise.
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pacjent, cierpliwy
ubierać sie ładnie(stroić sie), przebierać sie
to put on special clothes in order to change your appearance; to put on formal clothes for a special occasion:
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dress up
You don't need to dress up to go to the mall - jeans and a T-shirt are fine. Little kids usually love dressing up in their mothers' clothes. He dressed up as a cowboy for the party.
musze sie ubrać
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I have to get dressed, I need to put your clothes on
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a plug
plug in - podlączyć do prądu,
gniazdko elektryczne
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być zdegradowanym
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be demoted
demotion- degrdacja
zwolnić kogoś w ramach redukcji etatów
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make somebody redundant
Eight thousand people have been made redundant in Britain this year.
odprawa w razie zwolniena
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redundancy pay
sposób (np zachowania)
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I'm a professional and I have to conduct myself in a professional manner. The manner in which young children are spoken to varies depending on who is present.
mieć coś na głowie
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have sth on your mind
Jim has a lot on his mind at the moment.
uspokoić sie
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settle down, calm down
settle down - ustatkować sie
dojść do siebie po czymś
to begin to feel better after being unhappy or sick. If you get over a problem or difficulty, you overcome it.
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get over sth
It took her months to get over the shock of Richard leaving. How would they get over that problem, he wondered?
zrobić poświęcenie poświęcic sie
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make a sacrifice
Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to succeed. She made many sacrifices to get Anita a good education. He was willing to make any sacrifice for peace
zderzyć się
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collide [kolajd]
The car collided with a van.
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mummy's boy
pusty w środku, wydrążony
having a hole or empty space inside. without meaning or real feeling
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hollow [holoł]
1). a hollow shell/tube 2) a hollow victory/laugh/ offer (empty promise)
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although, though, even though
[wou] Our coach was proud of us even though we lost the game. tough- trudny
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despite, in spite of
In spite of/ despite the rain, we went running. PO despite nie ma OF. Despite the fact that she was ugly ... PO despite czasownik bedzie z ING. Despite loving sport...
sprwujący urząd
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[inkambent] incumbent president
łapówka, przekupić
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bribe, bribe
[brajb]The politician was accused of accepting bribes from businessmen. He tried to bribe the police officer, and then the latter handcuffed him.
odnieść odwrotny skutek
If something that you do backfires, it has the opposite result of what you wanted.
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their strategy will backfire. Obrócić się przeciwko mnie(odwrotny skutek niż planowałem) backfire on somebody. The surprise I had planned backfired on me. Her plan to make him jealous backfired on her when he started dating her best friend
zaczynać działać lub obowiązywać
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kick in
The new tax rate kicks in next month. I've got such a bad headache. I've taken some paracetamol and I'm just waiting for it to kick in
zacierać sie, rozmazywać
to become difficult to see clearly, or to make something become difficult to see clearly
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blur [bler]
This book blurs the distinction between reality and fiction. I can't remember what happened last night - it was all a blur
zabiegać o kogoś
If a man woos a woman, he gives her a lot of attention in an attempt to persuade her to marry him:
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woo [łu]
He wooed her for months with flowers and expensive presents.
nie obchodzić, gówno obchodzić
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not give a shit
szkic(doslownie i przenoisnie), zarys
to describe only the most important ideas or facts about something
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I only presented an outline. I can go into details, if you want.
wiedzieć na czym sie stoi
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know where you stand
to know where you stand - to understand the position/situation
ugryżc sie w jezyk
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bite my tongue (tan)
bite- bit- bitten
powtarzć do upadłego
I should rub it in but I just feel sorry for you, you don't have to rub it in
to upset someone by talking to them about something that you know they want to forget
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rub it in
I know I was stupid you don't have to rub it in
to są, te (blisko, mnoga)
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these are (wiz)
tamto (daleko, pojedyncze)
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that is
tam są, tamte
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those are (wouz)
chwalic sie, przechwalać sie
to talk with too much pride about what you have done or what you own
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brag about (boast about)
He's always bragging about how much money he earns. [Brag]
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disappointed in
I was very disappointed that he didn't come. I'm really disappointed in you.
zrujnować/schrzanić coś
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mess sth up
That decision messed up my career. Don't try to cook lunch by yourself - you'll only mess it up.
to decide not to do something because you are too nervous
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chicken out
ścierać sie, kłócić sie
to fight or argue
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clash, argue
Government troops clashed WITH rebel soldiers. Many young people clash with their parents OVER what time they must be home at night. This clash over power will never end. Over jako polskie "o"
wycofać sie
to decide not to do something you had planned or agreed to do
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back out
I have changed my mind, I'm going to back out
nieprzyjmować, odmawiac
If you decline something, you refuse it politely.
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She declined his offer of a lift. [+ to do sth ] He declined to comment.
to choose someone or something for a particular purpose or duty
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The area has been designated as a nature reserve. I designate you to be my successor. Parks are designated by green arrows on the map
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pucowaty, okrąglutki
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ofiara wypadku
someone who is injured or killed in an accident or war
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rozpieszczać, dogadzać
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pamper oneself- dogadzać sobie
zepsuty/ rozpieszczony
badly behaved because you are always given what you want or allowed to do what you want
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zakaźny, zaraźliwy
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sposób, środek na osiagniećie czegoś
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All necessary measures should be taken to finally stop the violence. I will use all measures necessary to accomplish this mission.
przebiegły/ podstępny
clever in a way that is bad and not honest
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zainteresować sie czymś
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take an interest in something
niezdarny, niezgrabny
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wielbić / adorować
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skromny, pokorny
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He's very humble about his success.
If you are indulgent to someone, you give them anything they want and do not mind if they behave badly.
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środek zapobiegawczy
something that you do to prevent bad things happening in the future
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precaution [pri koszyn]
Driving alone at night can be dangerous, so always take precautions. They called the doctor as a precaution. [+ of + doing sth ] He took the precaution of locking the door.
to attack a person or vehicle after hiding somewhere and waiting for them to arrive
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The bus was ambushed by a gang of youths.
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misery [mi zeri]
The war brought misery to millions of people. Her husband's drinking is making her life a misery.
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hear somebody out
It means a lot to me that you wanted to hear me out.
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He took a sip of his coffee and then continued.
efekciarski (na pokaz)
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glitzy [glitsi]
a glitzy nightclub
oszczędź mi, daruj sobie (np. opowiadanie ze szczegółami)
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spare me
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musty [masti]
the musty smell of old books
kontynuować, wznowić (przyspieszyć z robotą)
to start or continue doing something, especially more quickly or with more energy after a pause
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crack on
The meeting needs to finish by 5, so we'd better crack on. Now we've prepared the walls we can crack on with the painting. If we crack on with it we should finish it today
wtrącać się, mieszać się
to try to influence people or change things that are not your responsibility
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meddle in [medl]
He's always meddling in other people's business.
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atrakcyjny/ kuszący
attractive or interesting
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The idea of living in Paris is very appealing. Does that sound like an appealing idea to you?
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a situation in which people fight against the government in their country
garnitur/ pasować odpowiadać
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a suit [sut]
suit yourself! rób co chcesz
drażliwy, łatwo sie irytujący
easily offended or annoyed
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Robert is a self-centred, ambitious, and bigoted man.
bardzo brudny
extremely dirty
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filthy [filfi]
Wash your hands, they're filthy!
pobierać krew
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to take blood sample/ draw blood
włączać się, przyłączyć się (zabrac energicznie di pracy)
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pitch in
If we all pitch in, we'll get this kitchen cleaned up in no time. Let's pitch in, there's no time to waste. Everyone in the family has to pitch in.
the quality of continuing to try to achieve a particular aim despite difficulties
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persistence, perseverance [persi wir ens]
They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty. The only way to improve is through hard work and dogged perseverance.
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brutal / savage
savage dogs She had been badly hurt in what police described as ‘a savage attack’.
przeciwny (czemuś), przeciw, przeciwko (komuś / czegoś), do,o
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Andrew wants to change offices but I'm against it. the fight against racism. Touching something- Push the bed against the wall. The rain beat against the windows. In the opposite direction to the way something is moving-I was cycling against the wind
1. the floor of an entrance. 2. the level at which something starts to happen
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threshold [freszhold]
He has a low boredom threshold (= he gets bored easily). I have a high pain threshold (= I can suffer a lot of pain. My earnings are just above the tax threshold (= more than the amount at which you start paying tax). The floor of an entrance
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goofy, silly
przeżywać (w sensie zyc dluzej niż ktos)
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outlive [autliw]
She outlived both her children
kłopot, zawracanie głowy (rzeczownik}
a situation that is annoying because it involves doing something difficult or complicated that needs a lot of effort
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It’s a hassle having to travel with so many bags. Send them an email—it's a lot less hassle than phoning.
rzucać monetą
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toss (flip) a coin
zgasnąć (o silniku), przeciągać (opóźniać, przetrzymać), stanać w martwym punkcie
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stall [stol]
The car stalled when I stopped at the traffic lights. He asked them all kinds of pointless questions, stalling for time. See if you can stall her while I finish searching her office. The peace talks have stalled over the issue of nuclear weapons.
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quirk [kłerk]
Everyone has their own little quirks and mannerisms. Quirky- dziwaczny. Quirk of fate-zrzadzenie losu/kaprys losu -By some quirk of fate, we came to live in the same town.
pojść na kompromis
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make a compromise
The state of having a good reputation.
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reputable [repjutebl]
reputable area
dostarczać, zapewniać
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provide somebody with something
Can you provide some information about...? Can you provide me with some information. about?
odciagnać czyjeś mysli od czegoś
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take somebody's mind off something
Talking to him took my mind off the pain.
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start off
I can't wait for Christmas to start off. She started off the meeting with the monthly sales report. I've started off the day from coffee in bed
ogon, śledzić
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kij, rozga, paleczka
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stos/ sterta
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wyciągać cos z czegoś/ zabierac kogos gdzie
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take something out of something
My boyfriend is taking me out today to a fancy restaurant
zdobywać (jakś rzecz/osobę) w sensie kontaktu
to communicate with someone by phone:
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get ahold of sth/ get ahold of sb
Drugs are too easy to get ahold of. 2) złapac/ skontaktować sie: I'd like to get ahold of Debbie and talk to her about this. I’m trying to get ahold of some of these people for our meeting tomorrow.
gwałtowna reakcja (przeciwko czemuś), ostry sprzeciw
a reaction against an idea that was previously popular
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Their decision created a backlash in the community. a backlash against the war
redukować, zmniejszać coś
to make a company or organization smaller by reducing the number of people who work there
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I downsized the rear wheel to 26 inches’, a TV news producer told what happened after her network downsized the newsroom
If somoene is in seclusion, they are alone, away from other people.
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isolation, seclusion [siklużyn]
He lived in seclusion for the rest of his life.
a feeling or guess that something might be true, when there is no proof
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hunch [hancz]
I had a hunch that he would get the job. But I wanted to try it because I had a hunch. I have a hunch that plane has something for me.
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fool, berk [berk]
He was acting like a complete berk.
to interrupt something and stop it continuing as it should
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disrupt {disrapt}
He disturbs other children and disrupts the class. No, I promised not to disrupt your study.
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wiercić kumuś dziure w brzuchu(dreczyc)
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badger [badzer]
Stop badgering me - I'll do it when I'm ready. [+ into + -ing verb ] She's been badgering me into doing some exercise. [+ to infinitive ] Every time we go into a shop, the kids badger me to buy them sweets.
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ditch [dicz]
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polite, courteous [kertjes]
Although she often disagreed with me, she was always courteous.
przechodzić do rzeczy
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get to the point, get down to the nitty-gritty
Let's get down to the nitty-gritty - how much will it cost?
powalać kogoś, zrobic wrazenie
to surprise or please someone very much:
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blow sb away
The ending will blow you away. It just blows me away, the way everyone's so friendly round here
słodko-gorzki (smk, wspomnienie)
containing a mixture of sadness and happiness
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The bittersweet end to the movie is just right.
słaby, kruchy, delikatny
weak or unhealthy, or easily damaged, broken, or harmed
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frail [frejl]
a frail old lady I last saw him just last week and thought how old and frail he looked. the country's frail economy
the crime of illegally following and watching someone over a period of time
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stalking [stoking]
He was arrested for stalking.
happy and active
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joyful, chirpy {czerpi}
She seemed quite chirpy this morning. Not as chirpy as I'd hoped.
zerknąć (zwł. przez mały otwór)
to secretly look at something for a short time, usually through a hole
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peep [pip]
I saw her peeping through the curtains/into the room
sprawdzać (jak ktos sobie radzi/ wykonuje polecenia)
sprawdzac co u ciebie, jak sobie radzic
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check up on sb
My mum checks up on me most evenings to see that I've done my homework... Im the only one checking up on you. Just wanted to check up on you.
extremely busy and full of activity
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a hectic day/week
nervous, worried, and not able to relax/ A tense situation makes you feel nervous and worried.
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The students looked tense as they waited for their exam results. There were some tense moments in the second half of the game. Mozna tez tak powiedzieć o mięśniach
complaining a lot in an annoying way, especially in a high, sad voice:
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whiny [łajni]
The children were tired and whiny. a whiny voice
przez wzgląd na kogoś/coś
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for the sake of sb
He begged her to stay for the sake of the children. For the sake of convenience, they combined the two departments.
pozostać przy zdrowych zmysłach
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stay/ remain sane
na ukos
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at an angle
He wore his hat at an angle.
z punktu widzenia
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from angle
Try looking at the problem from my angle. Your angle differs form mine - moj punkt widzenia wozni sie od twojego
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He spent six months in rehab.
someone who is kept as a prisoner and may be hurt or killed in order to force other people to do something
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hostage {hostidz)
od tamtej pory
someone who is kept as a prisoner and may be hurt or killed in order to force other people to do something
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ever since
We met at school and have been friends ever since. I can't stop thinking about you ever since
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marvellous [marweles]
What a marvellous idea
potknąć się o coś
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stumble [stambl]
Mary stumbled on the loose rocks.
pogodzic sie z kims
to forgive someone and be friendly with them again after an argument or disagreement:
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make up with sb
They kissed and made up, as usual. Have you made up with Tina yet
1. dogadzac sobie, 2) rozpieszczac
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1. indulge yourself, pamper yourself. 2) indulge
Go on, indulge yourself! Have another chocolate. Their children are dreadfully indulged.
the feeling of not liking a group of people or unfair treatment of them because they are a different race, sex, religion, etc
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pre-dze-dis. Racial prejudice, prejudice against women
uradowany, uszczesliwoniony
extremely happy and excited
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elated [ilejtid]
We were elated by/at the news.
otumaniony (np przez chorobe)
feeling weak or ill and unable to think clearly: unsteady, dizzy, or dazed.
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I was still woozy from flu/the anaesthetic/the medication/the wine.
zatrzymac samochod
If a vehicle pulls up, it stops, often for a short time.
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pull up
A car pulled up outside the bank and two men got out.
wpatrywać się
to look for a long time at someone or something or in a particular direction
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gaze at/into
They gazed into each other's eyes. He gazed at her until she went red.
to start a journey
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set off
What time are you setting off tomorrow morning?
szarpnąć się, wykosztować się, wybulić
o spend a lot of money on something that you want but do not need
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splurge [splerdz]
We could either save the money or splurge on a new car. Every once in a while, you want a little splurge.
mieć skłonność do czegoś lub ku czemuś
to often do something or suffer from something, especially something bad
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be prone to sth/doing sth [proln]
I'm prone to headaches.
cruel, unkind, or unpleasant in a way that seems unfair
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harsh criticism/punishment Taking him out of the game was a bit harsh.
tulić się, przytulać się, wtulać się
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snuggle up/down/into, etc [snagul]
I snuggled up to him on the sofa. Come back to bed and snuggle with me.
dusic, tlamsic/dusic
to kill someone by pressing their throat with your hands, a rope, wire, etc
Lernen beginnen
strangle [stangl]
High-level corruption is strangling the economy. Police believe the victim was strangled.
to sleep until you feel better, especially after drinking too much alcohol/bol glowy
Lernen beginnen
sleep off
she thought it wise to let him sleep off his hangover

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