Moja lekcja

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Lernen beginnen
to gradually get more and more of sth
Lernen beginnen
collect sth, especially in large quantities
Lernen beginnen
things that you own and that can be moved
Lernen beginnen
to throw away
Lernen beginnen
sth impressive and amazing for example the view
Lernen beginnen
willing to accept others behaviours and beliefs
Lernen beginnen
get rid of things that you not longer use or need
Lernen beginnen
state of being untidy, having too many things
Lernen beginnen
existing or happening now
Lernen beginnen
causing a lot of angry public discussions and disagreement
Lernen beginnen
old-fashioned; belonging to a time in the past
Lernen beginnen
to gradually become bad or weak or be destroyed, often because of natural causes
drop out of
Lernen beginnen
to no longer take part in sth
Lernen beginnen
including lots of things happening quickly
get rid of something
Lernen beginnen
to free yourself from things that you dont need; to bins something/to throw something away
heap of
Lernen beginnen
a lot of sth; loads of
highly respected
Lernen beginnen
admired by many people fo their achievements and good qualities
Lernen beginnen
to accumulate sth for preservation, future use etc. in a hidden place
Lernen beginnen
pieces of jewellery or decorative objects that contain precious stones
Lernen beginnen
things that are considered useless or not valuable
loads of
Lernen beginnen
a large amount of sth; heap of
Lernen beginnen
sth surprising and not expected
mountains of
Lernen beginnen
large amounts od sth
Lernen beginnen
sth that is really long and hard expected
opt out
Lernen beginnen
the act of choosing not to be a part in agreement
pick out
Lernen beginnen
to choose sth carefully from group of it
piles of
Lernen beginnen
a large quantity of something put together
Lernen beginnen
something that you have or own
Lernen beginnen
plates, bowls, etc that are made from clay
reach out to somebody
Lernen beginnen
to be seen or heard by somebody
Lernen beginnen
teared into small pieces
Lernen beginnen
things that you throw away because you no longer want them
run out of
Lernen beginnen
to use something up or finish a supply of sth
Lernen beginnen
having an opposite effect than what you wanted to achieve
sort out
Lernen beginnen
to oganize things; to tidy
spill out
Lernen beginnen
to fall out of a container
spread out
Lernen beginnen
to arrange something so that it covers a large area
stacks of sth
Lernen beginnen
a large amounts of something
Lernen beginnen
unexpected and unusual enough to attract attention
take out
Lernen beginnen
to move sth from one place to another
Lernen beginnen
twisted together in untidy way
thought provoking
Lernen beginnen
making people think seriously about particular topic
throw out
Lernen beginnen
to get rid of something that you no longer want or use
Lernen beginnen
an object such as knife, bomb etc. used to fighting and atacking
wear out
Lernen beginnen
to make something useless and not looking good because of too long usage
well documented
Lernen beginnen
having a lot of written evidence to proof something, support or explain it
well earned
Lernen beginnen
much deserved
Lernen beginnen
using words in a funny or clever way

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