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byłem zadziwiony czymś
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I was amazed at how smart he was.
znać się na czymś
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be familiar with. I'm familiar with astrology
dość, raczej
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fairly. She learns english fairly easily
być wydyganym przed czymś, przed zrobieniem czegoś, czuć lęk
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People are still apprehensive about the future
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tribute. The minister paid tribute to the president
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avalanche. What if there's an avalanche
brzeg rzeki
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mały okrągły wąwozik
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grzbiet górski, krawędź
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szczyt np. górski ale i np g20
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summit. At least 38 countries around the world came to the summit
dopływ rzeki
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tributary. The Amacayacu river is a tributary of the Amazon river
oaza spokoju
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oasis of peace. oasis of calm
osuwisko, przytłaczające zwycięstwo
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landslide. Lech Wałęsa gained a landslide victory in the second round of the presidential elections
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fictional. Hamlet is a fictional character
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honorable. He is an honourable man
pilnie strzeżony
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closely-guarded. He's identity is closely-guarded
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container. Plastic containers
wzrost np. cen
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surge, expansion. This year, we are going to see a major expansion. The surge in meat eating will drive more deforestation. He described the increase in burger restaurants
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minus, negatywna strona
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downside. The downside of both of science fiction and movies is that they tend to be dystopian. Braden thinks being negative is the downside of science fiction
wiarygodny, prawdopodobny
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plausible. Which was more plausible? Sounds very interesting – but is it plausible – could it really happen?
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ecologist, environmentalist
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attached. I'm really attached to my longtime girlfriend. I am not attached to my room.
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attachment. I couldn't open the attachment that you sent with your e-mail. There was a special attachment between the two
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plug. Update the java plug.
zacięty, zawzięty, zaciekły np. pojedynek albo wróg
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bitter. To this day they are bitter enemies
celowy, zamierzony
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deliberate. It was a deliberate act
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capacity. What's the capacity of this hard disk?
związany z
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related to. Learn some vocabulary related to family.
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associate. I don't wanna be associate with her.
nawiązywać do czegoś
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refer to sth. They referred to familiar arguments about crime prevention
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inevitable. It was inevitable that she would find out the truth
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literally. I literally knew no one who had anything bad to say about him
mocno zróżnicowana
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extremely varied
na różne sposoby
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in various ways
różnorodny, urozmaicony
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diverse, varied
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various. You can do it at various time.
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confirmation. Delivery confirmation. Booking confiramtion. Increased demand is confirmation of a good advertising campaign
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distinction. I believe we should make a distinction between these two things. The distinction between the two was often far from clear
odkrycie, objawienie, pozytywne zaskoczenie
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revelation. Ayauasca brings you to revelation that normal therapy might takes years. She wondered how Beatrix had reacted to its revelation of the double life Maurice was leading.
w szczególności, zwłaszcza
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in particular. He wanted to see the pyramids in particular. Visitors, particularly parents, were not welcomed in school
dogłębny, gruntowny, przenikliwy, np. uczucie albo znaczenie lub wpływ
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profound. For them the voyage of discovery is a profound spiritual experience.
święty, poświęcony komuś
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sacred. sacred to sb. Nothing is sacred, even after it has undergone positive vetting
mówiący bez ogródek
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outspoken. Steve was pretty outspoken, wasn't he?
garbić się
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slouch. I told you not to slouch
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divine. Divine revelation. divine right.
pogoń za czymś
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pursuit of sth. pursuit of money.
w pogoni za czymś
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in pursuit of something. In pursuit of happiness we can't forget about family.
narzucać, nakladać np. karę
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impose. How do Magistrates decide what penalty to impose? The decision came days before the Bush administration imposed sanctions against Japan. They imposed harsher punishment on him
przyznać się do winy
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plead guilty. Defendant pleaded guilty.
wydać wyrok
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pass sentence, reach a verdict
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forgery. He may even have had something to do with the forgery
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theft. He is responsible for a couple of thefts in our city
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defendant. The defendants tried to move the case to federal court.
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rusty. It's getting rusty
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plac zabaw
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Playground. I walk slowly into the playground
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refugee. More than 2000 refugees fled their houses since the war broke out
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nursery. The place where very young children are looked after while their parents are at work
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evaluate, assess. Assess a situation. Then they are assessed at seven years old. Medical evaluation.
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bilingual. I would like my child to be bilingual
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knock it off. Oh come on, knock it off! She really didn’t mean to do any harm. Boys!!! knock it off!!!
znać kogoś z widzenia
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know someone by sight. I only know Tim by sight. In fact, I have never met him
znać kogoś na wylot
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know someone through and through. We know each other through and through
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seize. Spanish police have seized €45,000 (£32,700) from Cristiano Ronaldo's mother after she tried to leave the country without declaring the cash
the process of finding people to join the armed forces, or a company or organization
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to use a law or rule in order to achieve something. Kiedy jest luka w argumentacji ludzie przywołują teorie spiskowe.
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invoke. In extreme situations, the police chief may invoke emergency powers. When is a gap in arguments people always invoke conspiracy.
dawny, były
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former. American war planes will launch lightning strikes against the Serbs if they continue to breach the no-fly zone over the former Yugoslav republic.
zdecydowana większość, prawie wszyscy
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vast majority. The vast majority of malt comes from three major whisky-producing regions
someone who is just beginning to learn a skill or subject
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novice. Climbing in the Himalayas is not for novices
złożony, skomplikowany, wymyślny, rozbudowany
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elaborate. The government’s new healthcare plan is the most elaborate yet
Czy mógłbyś to rozwinąć (omówić bardziej szczegółowo)?
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Could you elaborate on that?
a person who saves someone or something from trouble or danger.
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saviour. He was hailed as the saviour of the company’s fortunes.
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hail. The film was hailed as a masterpiece
to kill or hurt someone by pushing a knife or other sharp object into their body
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stab. His brother was stabbed in the hand
to kill a person or an animal by squeezing their throat so that they cannot breathe
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strangle. He tried to strangle me
usiłowanie morderstwa
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attempted murder. Police are treating the case as attempted murder.
the crime of causing someone’s death illegally but without intending to
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manslaughter. He was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to four years
the murder of large numbers of people belonging to a particular race
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genocide. Genocide is the systematic elimination of all or a significant part of a racial, ethnic, religious, or national group.
to kill animals, usually for their meat
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slaughter. He slaughtered the sheeps very quickly.
a piece of paper money
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a note. A forged 10$ note.
ustalenia, plan
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arrangement. We have to change our arrangements.
the offence of driving faster than the speed that is allowed in an area
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speeding. speeding ticket
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(bank) interest. Interest is paid upfront.
w pewnym momencie
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at some point
to make a public or official statement, especially about a plan, decision, or something that has happened, proclaim sth
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announce. Tom and Mary have finally announced their engagement
a small frame for hanging clothes such as jackets and shirts on so that they keep their shape
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hanger. He hung the shirt on a coat hanger
a system or a piece of electrical equipment that allows people in different parts of a building, aircraft, or ship to speak to each other
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kalmary (potrawa)
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calamari (dish)
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extension cord/cable
rain that freezes in the sky and falls to the ground as small balls of ice
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hail. Did you get caught in the hail on your way home?
żałować za grzechy
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repent. Allah forgives those who repent
zgodnie z ruchem wskazówek zegara
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clockwise. Turn the handle clockwise
someone who worships a god
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worshipper. He remained with the worshippers for nearly an hour before launching his attack.
niemal, prawie, blisko
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nearly. It's been nearly two days. He's nearly as tall as his father. Nearly twenty people died in the fire.
chory umysłowo
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mentally ill
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credibility. She is a person whose credibility cannot be called into question
mieć na celu
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aim at. Our organization aims at helping the poor.
to give the main ideas of a plan or a piece of writing without giving all the details (verb)
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outline. The government research paper outlines an ambitious 20-year plan for the largely undeveloped region
an explanation that includes the general points about something, but not the details
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with a surface that is not smooth
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rough. Her skin was rough
to give someone more control over their life or more power to do something
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empower. Its aim is to empower women to control their own lives.
nie ma pośpiechu
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there is no urgency
money that someone regularly receives after they have stopped working because of their age
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combine. She combined two colours to give more texture look. You may combine these methods.
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condemn. The church condemns abortion
someone who uses a gun when fighting or committing a crime
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stable. Pyramids had very stable construction.
not as good as someone or something else
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inferior. Ayrans think they are from a superior gene pool, and that all other minorities are inferior
a situation in which something has failed or is beginning to fail, awaria, rozpad, załamanie
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breakdown. His car had a breakdown on the way home. Nervous breakdown.
smutek, żal. Nie grief i sadness
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a sad, serious, or difficult situation
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to make a continuous deep sound, dudnienie
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rumble. Rumble of thumber. The throaty rumble of twin diesel motors muttered at them out of the darkness
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mist. They are used to having a lot of rain, mist and cloud
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a hole in a road
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an area of land where people do not live or grow crops and where there are no buildings, odludzie
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uprawiać role
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farm. In Nepal they farm by hand.
a building where grain is made into flour
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zanik, spadek, ubytek. noun and verb
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decline. The population of Europe decline dramatically. The Chinese market closed for us, so we had to have a decline in production
w świetle prawa
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in the eye of the law
nie opłaca się
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it doesn't pay to
szkoda, że
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it's a shame that. It's a shame that you can't come.
schludny, staranny
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neat. He always looks neat in his white shirt and black tie. You have such neat handwriting. Her home is very neat.
bessa, kryzys finansowy, kryzys ekonomiczny
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market slump, financial slump, economic slump
czas trwania
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duration. The duration of the services is usually about four hours.
the ability to continue doing something physically difficult or continue dealing with an unpleasant situation for a long time
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ednurance. The long journey tested their courage and endurance to the limit
nabywać (kupować), wejść w posiadanie
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acquire. Defendant acquired the gun two days before murder.
an official examination of a crime, accident, problem etc, in order to get information or the truth
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a shop assistant, vendor FORMAL
sprzedawca detaliczny
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przestrzegać prawa
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obey the law
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a duvet, a quilt
synonim of reveal.
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disclose. The police did not disclose the victim's name
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someone who sells illegal drugs
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legalize, decriminalise
wydawać kasę (rozrzutnie)
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splash out, splurge. Sometimes you have to splurge and enjoy a delicious dessert. I wonder if I should splurge and get a room for the night? The fact we don't splash out a lot of money is good management. Is this a good time to splash out on solar energy?
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kredyt hipoteczny
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handel detaliczny
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retail, The wholesale price of food is sometimes even 50 per cent lower than retail
praktyka, staż
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internship, I'll complete an internship in three months.
kolce (na podeszwach butów do gry)
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spikes (on the soles of shoes)
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quotation, quote. What's your favourite quote from this book?
kora mózgowa
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the cerebral cortex
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demand. The workers demand a raise
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oversight. It was just an oversight on a form
zdolność produkcyjna (wydajność)
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productivity. At what time do you have the highest productivity at work?
wydajność (efektywność)
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efficiency. There's a lot to be done just on the efficiency side
ściągnąć coś np z anteny
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take sth down. The thief took the painting down and put it in his bag. London Real was taken down for a while.
wnieść zarzuty
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press charges. Officials have not decided whether to press charges against the woman.
opieka społeczna
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social security. The social security is not as helpful as it claims to be
dobro społeczne
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welfare. The politicians claim that they fight for welfare.
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a terrace or deck. Let's go out on the terrace
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board. We used 200 wooden boards to finish the roof
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timber(UK), lumber (US). Their house is made from timber.
deska kompozytowa
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composite board
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exploit. He exploited this computer, that's why it broke down.
zacząć robić coś nagle i namiętnie
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dive in. When I start a new project, I like to dive right in and see how it works.
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approach. Let's try a different approach
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swarm. Our crops were ruined by a locust swarm
kraniec, krawędź
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verge. I don't know about you but I'm on the verge of a breakdown
zgadzać się, mieć tą samą opinie. Jego nowy raport potwierdza poprzednie odkrycia
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concur. His new report concurs with previous findings
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utterly. This user manual is utterly useless
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pit. Your pits are sweaty. She forgot to shave her pits
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to turn sth up. She turned the volume up
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separately. Shall we go there separately?
podzielić, rozdzielić
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split. The police split the area into two sectors. The teacher split the children into four groups.
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log. He bumped his head and he lay like a log
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roll. Would you like a roll with jam?
rolka np papieru toaletowego
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scroll. He just used up our last scroll of toilet paper
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visionary. eorge Lucas was a visionary when it comes to special effects
specjalizować się w czymś
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specialise in something. What do you specialize in?
specjalistyczny np język
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technical. don't understand this technical vocabulary, can you explain it to me?
rejestracja (jako proces)
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registration. The registration process takes two weeks.
zapasy jedzenia, broni itp. składowanie
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prowadzić do czegoś
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lead up to. He started telling me about a wonderful new restaurant he'd been to and I wondered what he was leading up to. The pilot had no recollection of the events leading up to the crash
przekręcić, fałszywie przedstawiać
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misrepresent. She accused her opponents of deliberately misrepresenting her as an extremist.
oszukańczy, mylny
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deceptive. It's deceptive - from the outside the building looks small, but inside it's very big. You should know that appearances can be deceptive.
większe kamyki ogrodowe
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drobne kamyki takie jak żwir
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spade. He got a spade from the shed
szpadel, łopata
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shovel. There should be a shovel in the shed
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a yacht. He's got his own yacht
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beverages. She hasn't got any cold beverages
przeterminować się
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expire. The yoghurt in my fridge has expired
obowiązuje kogoś
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apply to sb. These rules apply to all our workers. This rule doesn't apply to me.
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conclude. They concluded that this issue is irrelevant. Haven't you concluded anything from your last mistake?
badania nad efektywnością pracy
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time and motion study
wymagający klient, wymagająca praca
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demanding client, demanding job
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dispirit. He was dispirited by this critique but continued to write.
uważny, czujny
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alert. When you look after children, you have to be alert all the time. Office-work takes up not merely the bulk of our time but the best part of it, the hours when we are alert and alive.
na przestrzeni całego życia
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over the course of a livetime
pominąć coś celowo np. coś nieciekawego w książce
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skip over. I skipped over boring parts. I hope you didn't skip over the fragments about nature.
gwiazdorstwo, status gwaizdy
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having a hole or empty space inside
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hollow. a hollow tube. a hollow log. Hollow blocks are used because they are lighter.
przełamać schemat
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break the mould. Rejected an invitation to "break the mould of British politics"
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exaggeration. Today was probably the worst day of my life, and that's not an exaggeration.
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cechy charakteru
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character traits. Character traits determine our attitude towards life.
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determine. Character traits determine our attitude towards life.
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narzekać na
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grumble about. Her husband grumbles about everything
wzór matematyczny
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formula. Do you remember the formula for the area of a circle?
narzucać np. zasady
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impose. This is done by people who impose their will on others.
liczba ludności
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Population. Two thirds of the population of the USA are immigrants.
liczba uczestników
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number of participants
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study. Studies show that adults need a minimum of six hours sleep.
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comparison. It's hard to make comparisons between two such different things. I don't understand this comparison.
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obedient. She did as she was told, like an obedient child.
przestrzegać zasad
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follow the rules
przestrzegać zasad, być posłusznym
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obey. This community is going to learn to obey the law! I want you to obey my commands at all times.
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a bill, act. The parliament has passed a new bill. A new act was issued on October 23.
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baths. Roman used to go to the public baths to talk about bussines.
napełniać coś czymś. Napełnij ten słoik zimną wodą.
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fill sth with sth. Fill this jar with cold water.
strażnik graniczny
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border guard
Zawsze jest taka wybredna w kwestii jedzenia.
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She's always so picky about food.
Później ciało pozbawione głowy znaleziono na polu bitwy.
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Later his decapitated body was found on the field of battle.
Rząd ograniczył wydatki na obronę.
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The government reduced spending on defence.
Miał na sobie czapkę bejsbolową założoną tyłem.
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He was wearing a baseball cap on backwards.
Nie oglądaj się za siebie.
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Don't look back.
Czy nadal coś do niej czujesz?
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Do you still have feelings for her?
źle się zachowywać
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źle osądzić
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Zniweczył moje marzenia
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He shattered my dreams
Cała ta sprawa ucichnie i do jutra rana będzie po wszystkim.
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This whole thing will blow over and be gone by tomorrow morning.
Zabrania się błyskania świateł w celu ostrzeżenia innych o patrolu policyjnym
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Flashing your lights to warn others about a police patrol is forbidden
Jego ubrania były podarte na strzępy.
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His clothes were ripped to shreds.
Proszę zniszcz te dokumenty (w niszczarce)
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Shred these documents please.
Rozmrozić kurczaka przed włożeniem do piekarnika
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Defrost the chicken before putting it in the oven
Do tego czasu jeden z moich ludzi zostanie z tobą jak poprzednio.
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Until then, one of my men will stay with you as before.
Muszę być dla niego tak wyrozumiały w tym trudnym czasie
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I need to be so understanding of him at this difficult time
Moja mama jest bardzo wyrozumiała, nigdy się na mnie nie gniewa
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My mother is very understanding, she never gets angry with me
Musimy odzyskać naszych klientów.
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We need to win back our clients.
Oto cztery grupy słów, które chcę, abyś nauczył się na pamięć
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Here are four groups of words that I want you to memorize.
Na zakupy chodzimy na zmianę.
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We go shopping by turns.
w gorszej sytuacji. Oni byli w gorszej sytuacji.
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worse off. They were wors off.
krzywa wieża w Pizie
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leaning tower of pisa
poczta pantoflowa
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word of mouth. It turns out that "word of mouth" is still great for gaining many customers.
rejs wycieczkowy. odbywać rejs
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cruise. They cruised to Jamaica.
Każdego ranka nakładają inny zestaw ubrań na manekina.
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Every morning they put a different set of clothes on a dummy
przyciemniane okno
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tinted window
Nadepnął mi na stopę.
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He stepped on my foot.
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a drought
Prawdopodobnie tak się stanie.
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It is likely to happen.
Jesteś taki blady - wszystko w porządku?
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You are so pale - are you OK?
Twoje sznurówki są rozwiązane
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Your laces are undone
Plotki wkrótce ucichną
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The rumors will blow over soon
Cała ta sprawa ucichnie i zniknie do jutra rano
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This whole thing will blow over and be gone by tomorrow morning.
Nie chcę być stronniczy, ale jestem bardzo blisko z Ryanem
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I don't wanna be biased but I'm very close to Ryan.
Transfuzje krwi są powszechnymi zabiegami szpitalnymi
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Blood transfusions are common hospital procedures
Był niechcianym gościem i wiedział o tym
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He was an unwanted guest and he knew it
pochopna decyzja
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snap decision
rytuał. Szybko, musimy ich znaleźć, albo rytuał nie może mieć miejsca.
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ritual. Quickly, we must find them, or the ritual can't take place.
sieć społeczna. Moja sieć społeczna składa się głównie z mojej rodziny.
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social network. My social network consists mainly of my family.
side job = side hustle
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side job = side hustle
zaczarowany las
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enchanted forest
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wahania nastroju
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mood swings
poranne mdłości
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morning sickness
zaburzenia snu. Cierpię na zaburzenia snu.
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sleep disorder. I suffer from sleep disorder.
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grzechotać, stukać.
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rattle. Something rattles in my car.
dokładny, gruntowny.
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thorough. My car needs a thorough check-up.
wyszukiwać coś. Jeśli nie znasz tego słowa, poszukaj go w słowniku
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lookup. If you don't know this word, just look it up in a dictionary
Ok. Wszystko jest ustalone.
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Ok. All is settled.
Skorupka. Skorupka jajka jest niejadalna.
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shell. The shell of an egg is inedible.
zwariować. Kiedy zacząłem mówić o jego płci, zwariował.
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go nuts. When I started to talk about his gender he went nuts.
wycofać się z czegoś. Jeszcze nie jest za późno, żeby się z tego wycofać.
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back out of sth. It's not too late yet to back out of it.
oderwany od rzeczywistości. Ten pomysł był oderwany od rzeczywistości.
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detached from reality. The idea was detached from reality.
przyczyna. Czy policja zna przyczynę wypadku?
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cause. Do the police know the cause of the accident?
kosztować za dużo. Bilety kosztowały 800 zł. To nie rozbije banku.
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break the bank. Tickets cost 800 pln. That's not going to break the bank.
brak czegoś. Był zmęczony brakiem snu.
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lack of sth. He was tired because of the lack of sleep.
zrobić robotę. Włożyłem kości do piekarnika i to załatwiło sprawę
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do the trick. I put bones to the oven and that did the trick
właśnie o to chodzi.
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that's the thing.
Nic z tego nie wyjdzie. Nic z tego nie wyszło.
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Nothing will come out of it. Nothing came out of it.
na początku terapii
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at the outset of therapy
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Szkoda, że nie poszedłeś z nami, impreza była zajebista.
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Too bad you didn't go with us, the party was jivey.
Moja postawa zniechęcała ją do posiadania dziecka.
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My attitude was discouraging her from having a baby.
Jest w tym samym wieku co ja.
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She's the same age as me.
Moja głowa jest pochylona do przodu.
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My head is tilted forward.
Masz ochotę zjeść ze mną śniadanie?
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Feel like having breakfast with me?
Wbrew sobie uśmiechnęła się.
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She smiled in spite of herself.
Zadzwoń do nas, aby to załatwić.
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Call us to get it sorted.
Musisz odpuścić, dopóki tego nie załatwimy.
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You have to let it go until we get it sorted.
Są pewne sprawy, które należy uporządkować.
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There are some things that should be sorted out.
Czy mogę otrzymać wycenę wysyłki do Polski?
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Can I get a quote for shipment to Poland?
Czy kiedykolwiek znalazłeś czterolistną koniczynę?
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Have you ever found a four-leaf clover?
Przepraszam za opóźnienie
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Sorry the delay
Kiedy już zachorujesz na raka, nawrót jest twoim największym strachem.
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Once you've had cancer, recurrence is your biggest fear.
Pomyliłem autobusy i musiałem iść pieszo
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I mixed buses up and had to go on foot
kończyć pracę. Kończę pracę za dwie godziny, potem możemy iść na randkę.
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knock off. I'm knocking off in two hours, then we can go on a date.
zejść z ceny. Ok, zejdę kolejne 200 € i robimy to za cenę kosztu.
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knock off. Ok we will knock another 200 € off and we are doing it for cost price.
Byłem zaskoczony, kiedy otrzymałem od niego odpowiedź – wysłałem mu ten list dwa lata temu.
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I was surprised when I got his response - I sent him that letter two years ago.
Jack nigdy nie odpowiada na moje e-maile.
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Jack never responds to my emails.
Cześć, jestem na Cyprze do jutra wieczorem.
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Hi, I'm in Cyprus until tomorrow evening.
sporządzić np. raport. Ich zespół sporządził raport.
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draw up. Their team drew up a report.
Wszystko na wyspie było tak daleko od siebie.
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Everything on the island was so far apart.
To była jedyna rzecz, z którą musiałem się zmagać.
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That was the only thing I had to struggle with.
Lisa była wtedy w trzecim miesiącu ciąży.
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Lisa was three months pregnant at the time.
To ma sens
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It all adds up
Pierwsza zaszła w ciążę i zdjęła ze mnie presję.
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She got pregnant first and took pressure off me.
Nie kupiłbym tego, bez względu na cenę.
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I wouldn't buy it, regardless of the price.
Nie mogę się doczekać piątkowego meczu.
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I can't wait until Friday's game.
Baldwin nie przyznaje się do winy.
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Baldwin enters not guilty plea.
Wolę bardziej kawę niż herbatę.
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I prefer coffee rather than tea.
zderzenie czołowe
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head-on collision
Czy ktoś z was wie, który pociąg jedzie do Springfield?
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Any of you guys know which freight goes to Springfield?
do czasu/zanim. Zanim przyjechała policja, mój ojciec wyszedł.
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by the time. By the time the police came, my father had left.
Akt oskarżenia jest długi i nie ma sensu go czytać.
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The indictment is lengthy, and there's no point in reading it.
zniekształcona przegroda nosowa
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deviated nasal septum
Postawił mnie w sytuacji, w której nie mogłam odmówić
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He placed me in a situation where I couldn't say no
przerwa w dostawie prądu
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power outage, power cut, blackout
Komputer nie działał z powodu przerwy w zasilaniu.
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The computer didn't work due to the power cut.
pominąć coś. Myślę, że mogłem coś pominąć.
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leave sth out. I think I might have left something out.
Muszę coś wymyślić, żeby nie iść do pracy. 50 cent: Nie ja to wymyśliłem
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I have to think something up not to go to work. 50 cent: I didn't that up

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