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1. bezpodstawne twierdzenie, insynuacja, 2. zarzut, oskarżenie
Nie można było znaleźć dowodów wspierających te insynuacje.
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an allegation
No evidence could ever be found to support the allegations.
1. arbitraż, 2. sąd arbitrażowy, sąd polubowny
the settling of a dispute by a third party who may or may not have been named in an arbitration clause of a contract. Both parties agree to this third party and agree to accept his/her decision.
Ten konflikt nie zostanie rozwiązany bez właściwego arbitrażu.
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an arbitration
This conflict will not be resolved without proper arbitration.
1. zaległości w opłatach, 2. długi
money that is owed to someone but has not been paid on the agreed date
Powiedzieli, że to był jedyny sposób na odzyskanie długów.
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They said that this was the only way to get any arrears paid.
statut spółki
the document that specifies the way in which a company regulates its affairs. It deals with things such as the appointment of company directors or the rights of shareholders. In the USA they are called the bylaws.
Pracujemy ściśle nad zasadami oraz statutami spółek.
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article of association / AoA / article of incorporation
We are working very closely on the rules and articles of association.

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