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official stamp
A visa is an official stamp or document for traveling to another country.
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stempel urzędowy
restraint on something
restraint on something
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ograniczenie czegoś
A curb is a stone or concrete edging to a street or path.
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obrzeże (granica)
the organ in the lower body of a woman or female mammal where offspring are conceived and in which they gestate before birth; the uterus.
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być w ciąży (również o zwierzętach)
Our campaign was to woo potential customers
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zabiegać, pozyskać np klientów
a two-pronged campaign to woo potential customers
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ząb (z widelca), część lub aspekt planu
hallucinate sth
I don't care if they're hallucinating purple snakes
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mieć halucynacje
He was suffering from drug-induced hallucination.
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