Moja lekcja

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to raise
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to increase an amount, number or level; to collect money (obtain, get); to look after children and help them grow
a loan shark
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(lichwiarz) someone who lends money at very high rate of interest
a pawnbroker
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(lombard) someone whose business is to lend people money in exchange for valuable objects
money talks
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people with money have power and can get what they want
don't pull all your eggs in one basket
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don't put all your resources into one thing (interest)
you have to speculate to accumulate
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no risk no gain
don't throw good money after bad
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don't waste additional money after wasting money once
out of debt, out of danger
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when you don't pwe money to anyone you are safe
he who pays the piper calls the tune
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person who is paying to someone to do sth can decide how it should be done
beggars can't be choosers
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people with no other options must be content with that is offered
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(przepływy pieniężne) the amounts of money coming into and going out of a company
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(kapitał, udział) the capital that a company has from shares rather than from loans
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(własność) sth tha someone owns
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(opłata, prowizja) an amount of money paid to a professional person or organisation for their services
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(należność) an amount of money paid for services or goods
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(oprocentowanie) money that you have to pay for borrowing money
to face
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(stawić czoła) deal with sth
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(gwarancja) a written agreement in which a company selling sth promise to repair it if it breaks
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(przepłacenie) the act of paying someone too much money
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(ubezpieczenie, odszkodowanie) protection against loss or damage, especially in the form of promise to pay for a loses or damage
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the use of money to get a profit or to make a bussines activity successfull
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the activities that are involved in managing the work of a company
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(dywidenda) a part of a company's profit that is divided among the people with shares in the company
be vulnerable to
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(być narażonym na) be easy harmed or hurt by sth
threat to
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regarded as possible danger
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(akwizytor, radca prawny) a type of lawyer who gives legal advice
insist on
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to demand that sth should happen
capable of
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able to do things well
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sth that consists of or comes from a mixture of two or more other things
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(poufność) a situation in which you trust someone not to tell secret or private information to anyone else
under the radar
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not getting attention; unnoticed
deep pockets
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good source of money; rich person
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an official document promising that a government or company will pay back money that it has borrrowed
convertible bond
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(obligacja zamienna) a bond that can be repaid by a company in the form of shares in the company
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(dość) more than a little, but much less than very
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(obciążenie) sth difficult or worrying that you are responsible for/costs such as taxes or interest payments
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(rozproszony) spread in different directions of a wide area
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(szerokość) the distance from one side to the other
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spoiled Englisch
(rozpieszczony) treated too kindly, getting evereything you want
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(koncern) a group of people or companies that worg together to achieve a particular aim
be inclined
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be likely to do smth
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(zbywalny) you cen buy or sell it
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(udział) if you have a stake in a bussiness you have invested money in it
wound up
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close down
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(przedsiębiorca) someone who starts a company
financial backing
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(wsparcie finansowe) support with money
to pitch
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to try to persuade someone to do business with you, to buy sth
to no avail
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(bez skutku) if sth you do is to no avail, you don't suceed in getting what you want
lucky break
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(uśmiech losu) good fortune or opportunity/ a piece of good luck
to submit
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(przedłożyc) to give or offer sth for a decision to be made by others
settle sth on/upon somebody
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to make a formal arrangement to give money or property to someone
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(mniej więcej) not exactly
to hedge one's bets
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(asekurować się) to protect yourself against loss by supporting more than one possible result or both sides in a competition
to hone
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(doskonalić) to improve you skill at doing sth
keep ears to the ground
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(nadstawiać uszu) to pay attention to everything that is happening around you and to what people are saying
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(rozbieżny) consisting of things or people that are very different and not related to each other
get hold of sth
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to find or borrow sth so that you can use it
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(obligacja) one of the shares into which ownership of a company is divided
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(rata) one of a series of regular payments that are made until all of an agreed amount has been paid
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(kwota główna) the original amount of a loan, not including any of the interes that is paid
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(dotacja) money that is paid by a goverment or organization to make prices lower, reduce the cost of producing goods etc.
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(debet) the amount of money that you owe to a bank when you have spent more money that you had in your account
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(kredy hipoteczny) a legal agreement by whuch you borrow money from a bank or similar organization in order to buy a house
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(nie wywiązać się) to fail a pay money that you owe at the right time
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(zastaw) property or other goods that you promise to give someone if you cannot pay back the money they lend you
venture capital
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(kapitał udziałowy) money lent to someone so that they can start a new business
working capital
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(kapitał obrotowy) the money that is available to be used for the costs of business
share capital
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(kapitał akcyjny) capital that a company has from investors who bought shares
be in the black/be in credit
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to have money in your bank account
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(darowizna) a amount of money given to someone
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(wierzyciel/kredytodawca) a person, bank or company that you owe money to
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(dłużnik) a person that owes money
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(zobowiązanie) an amount of money owed by a business
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(zysk) profit
go into liquidation
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(przejść w stan likwidacji) to close business
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(depozyt/lokata) an amount of money paid into a bank account or held in a bank account
be in the red
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to owe money to the bank
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(podejście) a method of doing sth or dealing with a problem
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(gromadzenie funduszy) activity of collecting money for specific purpose
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(to strike - uderzać) to hit
debt fundraising
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raising funds by taking at a loan
go to distance
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finish sth you have started
turn down
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to refuse an offer or request
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(pobierać opłatę) to ask someone for a particular amount of money for smth
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a group of ppl or companies who join together in order to achieve a particular aim
to hint at
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(napomknąć) to refer to sth
to long for
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(tęsknić, pożądać) to want sth very much, especially when it seems unlikely to happen soon
to strive for
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(dążyć) to make a big to achieve sth
to suffer from
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(cierpieć) to have a disease
to bet on
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(obstawiać) to risk money on a future event
to amount to
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równać się
to refer to
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to mention sth
associate with
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(zadawać się) spend time with someone
account for
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to form a particular amount or part of smth
insure against
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protect against smth

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