Money market

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płynność finansowa
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liquidity- the state of having enought money to pay any money that is needed, being able to changed into cash easily
fuzja, połączenie
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merger- two or more companies join together
rada polityki pieniężnej
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monetary policy council
pieniądz w obiegu
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money in circulation- the value of currency of cash that has been issued by the country's monetary authority less the amount that has been removed
podaż pieniądza
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money supply- the total amount of money in circulation or in existance in the country
zdolność produkcyjna
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productive capacity- maximum possible output of an economy, the ability of country or organization to produce things
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profitability- situation in which company is producing a profit from its operations
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recession- a period of low economic activity when investments lose value, businesses fail and unemployment rises
papiery wartościowe
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securities- a financial investment such as bonds or shares that is traded on a financial market
sekurytyzacja (sekurytyzacja jest procesem, w którym dłużne papiery
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securitization- proces of grouping together illiquid assets and converting them into securities that can be easily sold to investors
marża, rozpiętość
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spread/ margin- the difference between borrowing and lending rate
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stockbroking- the business of buying and selling financial products for other people
osoba z wysokim ryzykiem kredytowym
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subprime borrower- person considered to be a relatively high credit risk for lender
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takeover- taking control of a company by buying enought of its shares
podwyższyć kapitał
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raise capital
gwarancja wykupu
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to underwrite a stock issue- guarantee to buy stock issue by bank if other buyers cannot be found
zwrot, rentowność, przychód
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yield- the rate of return on investment

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