na sprawdziana

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Gaining in
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Chanting their rallying
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Intonując swoje zgromadzenie
Pent-up fury
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Stłumiona wściekłość
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Be the tip of the iceberg
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- to be a small part of a very big problem
Marching in the streets
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marsze uliczne
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Withdrawing labour
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Wycofanie siły roboczej
Internet campaign
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Kampania internetowa
Public speeches
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Wystąpienia publiczne
honor the ancestors
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czcić przodków
ancient customs
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very old traditions
the guest of honor
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special guest
a scary sceleton
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straszny szkielet
a lively celebration
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żywe święto
family reunion
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when a family gets together again after they have been apart
a candlelit altar
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ołtarz ze świecami
get hungry
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want to eat
to clean tombstones
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sprzątać groby
to hang out with sb
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spędzać czas z kimś
joyful time
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happy time
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zmarły / zmarła
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a small group of musicians who play popular music such as jazz or rock: can be followed by a singular or plural verb a rock and roll band
lead singer
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- the main singer in a band
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a category or type of music characterized by a particular form, style, or content.
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the text of a song
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a short, catchy, and repeated melodic phrase
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a recording of a song or piece of music
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the part of a song with the same melody but different words each time it's heard, the song has a chorus and three verses.
Alternative Rock
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nonmainstream rock music, which includes many types of experimental music and some forms of punk and grunge
Making people feel at ease
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o make sb feel relaxed and confident, not nervous or embarrassed by ludzie czuli się swobodnie
think outside the box
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think in a new and different way
have a love of learning
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to have a desire for knowledge
to be the life and soul of the party
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to be a fun person, someone who is the centre of activity
be larger than life
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to be more exciting than normal
full of yourself
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to be strong-willed
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- to be determined to do as one wants even if other people advice against sth
to be level-headed
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- calm and able to deal easily with difficult situations
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clever or amusing
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The combination of tourism and volunteer work
White Savior Complex
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The desire or urge among white people to "save" non-white people, often without proper context or education or for performative and self-serving purposes.
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a home for children whose parents are dead or unable to care for them
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open to attack
out of the blue
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bez emocji
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to many things to do
appeal to
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apelować do
believe in
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wierzyć w
belong to
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należeć do
depend on
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zależeć od
differ from
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różnić się
enquire about
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dopytywac się
insist on
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nalegać na
specialise in
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specjalizuje się w
suffer from
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cierpieć z powodu

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