on the road 2 / 21.09.2021

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corduroy / cord
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ciecierzyca, cieciorka, groch włoski
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poufna informacja, cynk
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dawać komuś cynk (informować kogoś o czymś), ostrzegać kogoś
A co jeśli pójdę do gliniarzy i dam im cynk?
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tip somebody off
What if I get along to the cops and tip them off?
dużo znaczeń, między innymi: 1) nakaz sądowy 2) poręka, rękojmia, zabezpieczenie
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wymanewrować, przechytrzyć / to cleverly get an advantage over someone, especially a competitor SYN: outsmart
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In the negotiations, he outmanoeuvred his rivals by offering a higher price.
nie do utrzymania, nie do obrony (np. stanowisko, opinia) 1) An x situation cannot continue as it is 2) not able to be supported or defended against criticism, or no longer able to continue
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If three people in four no longer support the government, isn't this an untenable situation? The position of the players’ union has become untenable.
(literary) dzierżyć (np. miecz, topór), władać (bronią) / to hold a weapon or tool and look as if you are going to use it
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She was confronted by a man wielding a knife.
dzierżyć władzę / to have or use power, authority, or influence, or to hold and use a weapon
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Under the new city charter, the mayor wields most of the power. Wielding moral authority
niszczyć, niweczyć, przekreślić (np. szanse) / to spoil something
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A broken leg blighted her chances of winning the championship.
rdza, śniedź, zaraza / a disease that damages and kills plants
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plaga, nękające problemy / something that spoils or has a very bad effect on something, often for a long time
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His arrival cast a blight on the wedding day.
something that spoils or destroys or causes damage
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The city stopped urban blight by rebuilding neighborhoods.
marudny, zrzędliwy
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a stroppy teenager / It's no use getting stroppy - I said no and I meant it!
zdumiewający, szokujący, oszałamiający / very shocking and surprising
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It costs a staggering $50,000 per week to keep the museum open to the public
wyrzucać, pozbywać się
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Discarded food containers and bottles littered the streets.
interesujący, przykuwający uwagę / very exciting and interesting and making you want to watch or listen
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I found the whole film very compelling. a compelling story
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compelling evidence / It's a fairly compelling argument for going.
przygotowywać się / to prepare yourself physically or mentally for something unpleasant
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Britons brace for the end of heatwave as UK battered by cold Arctic front. The weather forecasters told us to brace ourselves for a heavy storm.
zbić, walić, tłuc, uderzać
On tłukł worek treningowy przez godzinę.
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He battered the punching bag for an hour.
uderzyć, doświadczyć, poszkodować (np. przez silny wiatr)
Miasto zostało poszkodowane przez Huragan Irma.
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The city was battered by Hurricane Irma.
rzadkie ciasto (np. na naleśniki)
Przygotowałem rzadkie ciasto na naleśniki na śniadanie.
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I've prepared pancake batter for breakfast.
Uwielbiam kiedy smażona ryba ma chrupiącą panierkę.
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I love when my deep fried fish has a crispy batter.
zaczerwieniony, piekący (np. o zadrapanej skórze)
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Her face was raw from the fusion of tears and acrylic.
płytkość (wypowiedzi), banał, frazes synonim: truism / a remark or statement that may be true but is boring and has no meaning because it has been said so many times before
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He doesn't mouth platitudes about it not mattering who scores as long as the team wins.
marnować, trwonić (pieniądze)
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the amount of possibilities she had squandered
przeszukiwać, szperać, szukać
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She quickly rummaged for the paper tissue that was stuffed up the inside sleeve of her polo neck.
seria, łańcuch
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She returned to her train of thought.
bomba (coś wyjątkowo interesującego, zabawnego) / British English spoken / (British English, informal) something that you think is very good, funny, etc.
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This is crackers. It was a cracker of a goal. I've got a joke for you. It's a real cracker!
obcesowy, opryskliwy / quick and rude in manner or speech
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His secretary was a little brusque with me.
rześki, orzeźwiający
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uroczy, urokliwy, klimatyczny (o miejscu) / attractive because of being unusual and especially old-fashioned
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a quaint old cottage / quaint stone terraced houses
płowy (kolor) / synonim: fawn / of a light yellowish-brown colour, like that of a lion
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The two-way twit-twoo of tawny owls.
bojaźliwy, lękliwy
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an apprehensive smile
bardzo mało, prawie nic
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next to nothing
The rest was sold for next to nothing.
wielka wytwórnia płytowa (jedna z wytwórni wchodzących w skład Wielkiej Czwórki wiodącej na rynku muzycznym)
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major label
przedostatni / second from the last
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It's the penultimate episode of the series tonight.
nienawidzić, nie cierpieć / to feel angry because you have been forced to accept someone or something that you do not like
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She bitterly resented her father's new wife. [+ -ing verb ] He resents having to explain his work to other people.
spodnium (kostium damski składający się z żakietu i spodni)
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trouser suit / pantsuit
(slang) naćpać się, nawalić się
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get stoned
1) spiżarnia 2) pokój kredensowy
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pantry cabinet
naparstek (ochrona na palca)
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to throw a thimble of water on a bonfire
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marzłoć, wieczna zmarzlina
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wynurzać się
Wynurzyła się z wody, wyglądając jak syrenka.
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She surfaced out of water looking like a mermaid.
Ten lodowiec zawsze jest w ruchu, więc musimy być ostrożni.
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This glacier's always moving, so we have to be careful.
czujący, odczuwający
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She imagined herself as just another brilliant freak of nature. Just another sentient animal, trying their best.
mechanika kwantowa
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quantum mechanics
nadciągający, bliski, nieuchronny
Firma ta jest w bliskim niebezpieczeństwie upadku.
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The company is in imminent danger of collapse.
bis (dodatkowy utwór grany na koniec koncertu)
Wygląda jak bis ostatniego występu.
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Looks like an encore of the last performance.
niebezpieczny, ryzykowny, zagrażający
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The lorry was lodged in a very precarious way, with its front wheels hanging over the cliff. Many borrowers now find themselves caught in a precarious financial position.
Hej, Brian ma kilka dodatkowych biletów na mecz Lakersów. Chcesz iść?
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Hey, Brian has some extra tix for the Lakers game. Fancy going?
przygnębiony, przybity, zdeprymowany, rozczarowany, niezadowolony, zawiedziony / unhappy, disappointed, or without hope
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She looked a bit dejected when they told her she didn't get the job.
zatrzymywać się (samochodem)
Zatrzymaliśmy się pod małą kawiarnią. Zatrzymaj się tutaj, chcę wysiąść z auta.
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pull up
We pulled up at a small café. Pull up here, I want to get out of the car.
plaster miodu
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chrzęst (dźwięk miażdżenia, np. szkła) / też czasownik
On usłyszał chrzęst w salonie.
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He heard a crunch in the living room. She crunched over the gravel towards fans.
niepijący, abstynencki
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teetotal / TT
nieskazitelny, nieskazitelnie czysty
Przenieśliśmy się do nieskazitelnie czystego, nowego biura.
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We moved into a pristine new office.
sądowy zakaz zbliżania się do kogoś
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restraining order
1) natręt (śledzący kogoś) 2 natręt, dewiant (osoba chodząca stale za kimś, w kim jest nieszczęśliwie zakochana)
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zejść na złą drogę, zacząć wariować (źle się zachowywać), zachowywać się w niekontrolowany i zwariowany sposób
to start behaving in a way that is not generally acceptable, especially dishonestly or illegally
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go / run off the rails
He went off the rails in his first year at university.
wywrócić, wywrócić się
Wazon się wywrócił i na stół wypadły kwiaty. Zawsze wywracam ten stojak na parasole.
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tip over
The vase tipped over and the flowers fell out to the table. I always tip over the umbrella stand.
niebezpieczeństwo, zagrożenie
Jego życie było w niebezpieczeństwie, więc musiałam działać.
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His life was in jeopardy, so I had to act.
1) ustępować (o bólu), opadać (o emocjach) 2) uspokajać się (o burzy), słabnąć (o wietrze) / If a condition x-s, it becomes less strong or extreme
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The police are hoping that the violence will soon subside. As the pain in my foot subsided, I was able to walk the short distance to the car.
smycz (wieszana na szyi, np. do kluczy)
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By the time her stoned and heavily inebriated older brother realised what she was doing, it was too late. The swim was under the way.
równo oddalony, znajdujący się w jednakowej odległości / equally far or close
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Australia is roughly equidistant from Africa and South America.
lekko drwiący, kpiący / showing that you find a bad or difficult situation slightly funny
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a wry smile/comment
Rich, tracimy Ciebie (podczas rozmowy na Teamsie, gdy urywa się połączenie)
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Rich, we’re loosing you.
w nieładzie, w opłakanym stanie, zszargany
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She looked terrible after sleeping on the carpet in a baggy T shirt. She felt her face and it was creased from where she had been lying and her hair felt dirty and bedraggled.
zagubiony, skołowany / syn: confused and nervous
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She seemed a little flustered. If I look flustered it's because I'm trying to do so many things at once.
nieudany, spartaczony / used to describe something, usually a job, that is done badly
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Scotland's first minister has apologised for the botched introduction of the country's vaccine passport app. Our landlord redecorated the bedroom, but it was such a botched job that we decided to redo it.
plaga (np. szczurów), zmora (rzecz powodująca cierpienia, nieszczęścia) / utrapienie (o osobie)
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Malaria has been one of the biggest scourges on humanity for millennia and mostly kills babies and infants.
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konar / a large branch of a tree
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odwracać role / to change from being in a weaker position in relation to someone else to being in a stronger position
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turn the tables
The plaintiff’s lawyer turned the tables this morning by producing some strong new evidence.
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It shows assorted animals being pursued, including a representation of an ostrich above the southwest window with a horseshoe in its mouth. This was a convention sometimes used by artists at the time to ~ the tradition that ostriches could consume iron.
zaniedbany / untidy; not cared for
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unkempt beard / an unkempt lawn
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severed head / The knife severed an artery and he bled to death. Her foot was severed from her leg in a car accident. Electricity cables have been severed by the storm.
very large rock / głaz
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przysłówrk: jeden za drugim, gęsiego / noun: a way of walking with one person behind another
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single file
The schoolchildren were told to walk in single file.
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go bust
zatoczka (morska)
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kaplica mariacka (w kościołach angielskich)
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Lady Chapel
nabrzeże, nadbrzeże, przystań
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cypel, przylądek
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Carrack Gladden (Cornish: Karrek Gladn, meaning rock on a bank) is a coastal headland in St Ives Bay at the eastern end of Carbis Bay beach between Hayle and St Ives in west Cornwall.
nieproszony, niezamawiany (np. towar) / given or done without being asked
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No unsolicited nude pictures.
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zauroczyć (kogoś) / hipnotyzować (kogoś)
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I was completely mesmerised by the performance. Flowers mesmerised her with the most exquisite purple she had ever seen.
dawne dzieje, zeszłoroczny śnieg; coś, na co już nie mamy wpływu i jest mało istotne
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water under the bridge / dam
Yes, we did have our disagreements but that's water under the bridge now.
dęty (instrument)
On lubi instrumenty dęte.
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He likes wind instruments.
ostrzał, bombardowanie
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Namocz ubrania w ciepłej wodzie, aby pozbyć się plam. Namocz fasolę przed ugotowaniem.
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Soak the clothes in warm water to get rid of the stains. Soak the beans before cooking.
lancet, skalpel
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1) N: klej 2) ADJ: lepki, przyczepny (łatwo przyklejający się)
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1) wacik, tampon (medyczny) 2) wymaz (pobierany do badań)
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sitowie, pałka wodna
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wybierać coś, optować za czymś (po dłuższym zastanowieniu)
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plump for something
Will coffee drinkers plump for potato milk?
pobudzony, zabrudzony
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soiled cloth
cukierek mleczny, karmelek
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wchodzić dwoma schodkami na raz
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Agnes takes the stairs, two in a time.
odezwać się nie w porę, wyrwać się jak filip z konopi / to say something that you should not have said
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speak / talk out of turn
I'm sorry if I spoke out of turn, but I thought you already knew.
to be much less good than something
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not be a patch on something
This new washing machine isn't a patch on our old one. My new phone isn’t a patch on the old one. The camera is rubbish. My holiday at home wasn’t a patch on a trip abroad. Overseas travel is so much more fun.
cytuję, ..., koniec cytatu
We’re talking about the phrase ‘quote... unquote’ which people say when they are repeating something someone has said, often when they don’t agree with it. So, have you got it, Neil?
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quote, ..., unquote
You told me, quote “this car will last you a lifetime” unquote, but after a few months, it’s already broken down! The company said, quote “staff will get a pay rise in August” unquote – but it’s September and we’re still waiting.
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rowan/ rowan berry
dokuczliwy, kłopotliwy, dolegliwy
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a bothersome fly
Pestka, na przykład jabłka, pomarańczy
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pokryty żłobieniami / having long, thin lines, marks, or strips of colour
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The canyon walls were striated with colour. striated muscle fibre, striated rock
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koci 1) belonging or relating to the cat family 2) belonging or relating to the cat family
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1) feline leukaemia 2) She had pretty, almost feline features. She walks with feline grace.
stawić czoła czemuś / to face a difficult situation and deal with it in a determined way
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square up to something
I thought she squared up to the situation admirably.
puch z ostu
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mu, szlam, osad na dnie rzeki
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The wreck was covered in a fine layer of silt. The tunnel had been blocked with silt.
szpakowaty, siwy o osobie / having hair that is grey or becoming grey:
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Grizzled veterans in uniform gathered at the war monument.
peklowane mięso, wędlina
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cured meat
pokryte pleśnią, zapleśniały, spleśniały
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mildew-spotted windows
pleśń, pleśnieć, pleśniowy
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mildew-spotted windows
knot, świeczki, lampy naftowej
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a piece of string in the centre of a candle, or a similar part of a light, that supplies fuel to a flame
rozrzarzony węgielek
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She seizes the cool waxy column of a candle and holds its wick to an ember. The candlewick catches, the flame guttering, nearly vanishing, then gathering strength.
owoc dzikiej róży
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(rose) hip
gryźć, obgryzać, wygryzać
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She looms at the nails she cannot stop herself gnawing the minute they emerge.
koło zębate
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rozwijana lista
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dropdown list
11 listopada, rocznica zakończenia pierwszej wojny światowej (w państwach alianckich oprócz Włoch)
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Armistice Day
rozejm, zawieszenie broni
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armistice / syn truce
A two-week armistice has been declared between the rival factions.
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He'd been planting marigolds in the border opposite. Another option is the slightly lurid marigold, which flowers generously once you dead-head it.
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malt house
dzika róża
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dog rose
prostoduszny, prostolinijny, szczery / honest, not able to deceive
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She regarded him with wide, guileless blue eyes. guileless gaze
działać komuś na nerwy / If something, especially a noise, sets your teeth on edge, it annoys you very much.
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set somebody's teeth on edge
That DJ's voice really sets my teeth on edge.
półgłówek, głupek / a stupid person
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dręczyć, nękać (np. o wyrzutach sumienia) / to make you feel worried or uncomfortable
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I've been gnawed by guilt about not replying to her letter yet. The feeling that I've forgotten something has been gnawing at me all day.
łaciaty, pstry, srokaty (o koniu)
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czarnoksiężnik, czarodziej / in stories, a man who has magical powers and who uses them to harm other people
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He was suspected of misusing his magical powers as a sorcerer.
osoba na której nie można polegać
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will o' the wisp
pierwszy, najwcześniejszy, dziewiczy (np. o pierwszym rejsie statku)
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We hope you enjoy reading this maiden issue of Connect News!
nieprzewidywalny, zwariowany, postrzelony / (informal, sometimes offensive) behaving in a way that is strange, not responsible or not expected
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Teams seems very flaky for me too this morning! The central character of the play is a flaky neurotic.
lamówka, obwódka, obszycie
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Choose your favourite model: oversized cardigan or asymmetric pullover with rubber piping.
słaby, marny, słaby (o argumentacji, wyjaśnieniu, wymówce) / A x argument, excuse, etc. is weak and difficult to believe
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flimsy vaccination / When I asked him why he was late, he gave me some flimsy excuse about having car trouble.
podburzać, podżegać, jątrzyć, namawiać, judzić, zachęcać, agitować, pobudzać (np. do buntu) / to encourage someone to do or feel something unpleasant or violent
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She was expelled for inciting her classmates to rebel against their teachers. They denied inciting the crowd to violence. She incited racial hatred by distributing anti-Semitic leaflets.
popierać, poprzeć
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I second/third/fourth the recording, thanks
płatkowaty, łuskowaty, łuszczący się, odpadający płatami / coming off easily in small, flat, thin pieces
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dry, flaky skin / a flaky scalp
ostro krytykować
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szturm, atak, najazd
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naczynia stołowe
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dachówka, płytka łupkowa
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hamować, powstrzymywać, utruniać, np rozwój, proces / to prevent someone from doing something by making them feel nervous or embarrassed
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Some workers were inhibited (from speaking) by the presence of their managers.
kraciasta bawełna / a gingham dress/tablecloth
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a gingham dress/tablecloth
śnieżyca, zamieć
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